The chunin exams

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Kushina and Kakashi are in the hokage's office

Minato: report.

Kakashi: Sasuke and Sakura are doing well. They've shown that they have grown. Sasuke is improving on this sharingan and I have taught him the chidori and Sakura's chakra control has greatly improved and she packs a punch.

Minato: good work Kakashi. (Looks at Kushina) So how are Naruto, Menma, and Mito doing?

Kushina: they're doing great. Naruto is stronger than them as usual.

Minato: really?

Kushina: yes.

Minato: ok dismissed except for Kushina.

Kushina and Kakashi nod and Kakashi leave

Minato: there's more to it, is there.

Kushina: yes, Naruto lets them have a chance but then he does a move and it's all over.

Minato: how so?

Kushina: well, Naruto let them rush him but then this golden cloak covered him and his eyes changed.

Minato: changed?

Kushina: yeah like one of his eye turned red and both of his eyes had the sharingan symbol.

Minato: sharingan?! How's that possible?!

Kushina: don't know. Maybe it could be from Necrozma?

Minato: maybe. Anything else?

Kushina: yeah! After that happened, this glowing stuff came from his stomach and he shot it out and once out it exploded like a meteor. He called it Draco meteor.

Minato: (stunned) if he's this strong then could Jiraya be wrong?

Kushina: maybe. But we won't be certain until he visits again.

Minato: (sighs) ok, thanks for informing me you are now dismissed.

Kushina nods and leaves and once she did, a anbu came in

Anbu: lord Fourth!

Minato: yes? What is it?

Anbu: Danzo is dead.

Minato: what! How did this happen?!

Anbu: no clue. He said he was going somewhere and not to be followed and never came back.

Minato: (mind: what is going on around here?!) ok thanks, you're dismissed.

Anbu: but lord Fourth, what about this issue?

Minato: I will take care of it ok? Now you're dismissed.

The anbu leaves and Minato sighs

Minato: what is going on in this village?

Timeskip to the academy

They all go in a room with other ninja from other villages as well as their own and started looking around. The other ninja's gave them a mean look but Naruto and Menma had a happy look.

Menma: Menma Uzumaki Namikaze is here!! And ready to win!!!

Mito: you moron. Stop making a target of yourself.

Menma: but how else am I supposed to let them know that I will beat them in this?

Naruto: if you can't beat me, then you can't beat them.

Menma: oh how would you know?

In the front of the class a puff of smoke appeared and some ninja's appeared

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