the waves wave

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After Naruto killed Zabuza and the mysterious person they got to Tazuna's house. Tsunami got them food for them and while they were talking Tazuna's grandchild came in.

Inari: grandpa! grandpa! I missed you. How was the trip?

Tazuna: it's been fine.

Inari: (sees team 7) who are they?

Tazuna: these are the ninja who escorted me here and will help me finish the bridge.

Inari: (monotoned) oh. I'm not hungry. I'll eat later.

Inari left and team 7 was confused but Tazuna said not to worry about it.

Kakashi: alright team lets go train.

They all say ok and once they finish their food they go to a clearing in the woods.

Kakashi: ok you guys are going to learn chakra control.

Menma: but Kakashi we already know these powerful jutsus. Why do we need to know chakra control?

Kakashi: (sighs) because with good chakra control you can basically walk on trees and on water.

Menma: we can do that!?

Everyone turns to Menma.

Mito: how do you not know that?

Sasuke: to even make a jutsu you need chakra control.

Sakura: that is like the very basics. Like the very one.

Naruto: (eye rolls) how you are a child of prophecy is beyond me. I mean Miro I could understand but you. I could never.

Kakashi: Kushina, how is it that Menma doesn't know why chakra control is important but you and Minato both train him?

Kushina: I thought he already knew. With how much he progressed I thought he was good at it.

After that Kakashi told them how to be able to do it, he demonstrated how to do it, and threw them a kunai so they could do it. But before they even start Sakura, Mito, and Naruto have gotten up on the tree.

Sakura: (chuckles) this is so much fun. Do you see that Sasuke?

Sasuke ignored it and went to go do it with Menma shortly behind him.

Kushina: (mind: oh such a show off.)

They were all doing great and by the end of the day Sasuke and Menma almost got to the top of the tree. They went to the house to eat and get some rest. While they were eating

Kakashi: Naruto why do you most of the time use what you call metal and dragon claw?

Naruto surprised by the question looks at everyone and he sees that they are looking at him. So not to make things awkward, he answers.

Naruto: I mostly use it because it was the first thing Necrozma taught me.

Kakashi: Necrozma? Who's that?

Naruto: he's my best friend since the start. He helps me do stuff I couldn't have ever done before.

Kakashi nodded at the answer and didn't go any further and then after they ate they all went to sleep. While everyone was sleeping Naruto was talking to Necrozma.

In the mindscape

Necrozma: today went well.

Naruto: Necrozma we got to talk.

Necrozma: about what?

Naruto: about the fact that you killed Zabuza and that mysterious person.

Necrozma: why do you want to know? They were rouge ninja like Kakashi said so I just killed them before they killed us. Simple.

Naruto: but I wanted to fight them.

Necrozma: oh you quit your wining you'll fight other strong things in the future. Stronger than him. Plus I was bored and since I didn't want to kill you. Controlling you was the next best thing.

Naruto: (pouts) ok I guess you make a point. But I get to fight the next bad guy, which would be gato I guess.

Necrozma: fine with me.

Naruto: alright well that settles that. Night Necrozma.

Necrozma: night. (Mind: wait should I tell him that I know gato's location? Nah he'll figure it out himself.)

In Gato's place

Man 1: sir, Zabuza and Haku are dead.

Gato: how did it happen?

Man 1: a boy with his team with Tazuna was the one who did it.

Gato: a boy? A boy killed those two. (Laughs) then those two were really weak if they were killed by a boy.

Man 1: what do we do now.

Gato: well now that their dead we have to stop a builder from building the bridge. So gather all the men and go to the bridge. We'll wait for them there and kill them. Once and for all.

The man left to go gather and tell the others about the plan and they all got weapons and went to the bridge in the morning.

In the morning everyone is eating breakfast and then Imari came in the room

Inari: grandpa! Quick we have to leave!!

Tazuna: why? What happened?

Inari: Gato and his men are at the bridge destroying it!!

Team 7 quickly got up and went to the bridge once they heard the news and they wanted to deal with Gato once and for all.

Once they got to the bridge they saw hundreds of Gato's men there with weapons at the ready. Without hesitation Gato's men charged, determined to kill the group. Team 7 acted quickly with Sasuke and Naruto using fireball jutsu and flamethrower. Sakura and Mito are using their kunais and Kushina and Kakashi with kushina using here immaculate strength and Kakashi using chidori. During that Gato is behind his men and was seeing them being slaughtered so he scrammed. Naruto seeing this and not wanting him to get away decides to teleport right next to him and use a very strong metal claw to slash Gato into pieces. The rest of the men, not wanting to die, try to escape only a few actually did and the others, not so much.

In the end when it was over Tazuna came and thanked them for killing Gato and then the whole town came at the news of Gato's death. They all congratulated team 7 with all their hearts and they still waved goodbye when they had to leave.

Tazuna: they are sure something else. Eh Inari?

Inari: yeah they are. (Mumbles: maybe Hero's do exist)

Tazuna: huh? What was that Inari?

Inari: oh nothing grandpa.

Team 7 left the land of waves with the town cheering behind them.

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