Chapter 21

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The trek to the dropship was silent and slow. The young men kept an eye on Raven as she stumbled over the unfamiliar terrain, with only the lantern and flashlights illuminating their path. After several hours, Raven couldn't stand the silence anymore and decided to find out whatever the "long story" was.

"Sooo, this power surge," Raven began. "What happened?"

Murphy lowly growled as he replied, "What happened was—"

Wells cut him off before Murphy could rant uncontrollably, "Monty and I improvised a comm device using a wristband that hadn't lost power. I asked Dani to look over the connections since we didn't have a way to regulate the ship's power, and I didn't want to take anything to chance. Dani, on her own, decided to look over everything and repair what we could. It took all day, and a guy, Finn, got impatient and claimed Dani was milking the whole thing."

"The bastard shoved Monty outta the way and made the final connection," Murphy growled. "Dani was electrocuted, and the ship and bands shorted. Fucking coward ran off, and instead of helping...that bi--blondie ran after the asshole! Leaving the rest of us," he gestured between himself and Wells, "to save Dani."

Raven frowned, surprised to hear Finn would do something like that. She knew he knew how dangerous working on electronics was. They'd spent countless hours going over electrical and mechanical safety while she studied for her apprenticeship. And their description of Finn's behavior didn't sound like the boy she knew. The boy she loved. He was easy-going and liked everyone. Finn wouldn't hurt a fly. Nor run away like that. Something else had to be going on.

"That doesn't sound like Finn," Raven eventually spoke up, looking between the two boys. "He knows how dangerous and fickle working with electricity is. And he's a pacifist. He wouldn't hurt anyone."

Wells exchanged a confused glance with Murphy. The sandy brunette suspiciously narrowed his eyes at the Latina, "And you know that how?"

Raven was glad it was still dark enough to hide her blush. She cleared her throat, "Finn helped me study for my apprenticeship. But we've been friends since we were kids. He's also my boyfriend. So, I think I know him well enough."

The boys exchanged another look, but this one of surprise. Wells quickly shook his head as Murphy opened his mouth, silently begging the boy not to say a word.

Murphy ignored him and spoke his mind, "Does Finn know that?"

Raven stopped walking and narrowed her eyes at him. "What is that supposed to mean," the Latina demanded.

"N-nothing," Wells quickly tried to stop the situation from escalating. "Murphy didn't mean anything."

"Bullshit," Raven said, crossing her arms and glaring at both boys. "You need to tell me what's going on. Now."

Wells groaned, shaking his head, and started muttering to himself. Murphy glanced at his brother with an amused smirk before focusing back on the Latina. He had no problem starting shit between Blondie and the asshole. Especially after the shit they'd put Dani through. This was payback.

"Well, how can I put this politely," Murphy said, stalking closer to Raven. "Finn has pursued every girl in the camp since we came down. Especially Clarke. He follows her around like a puppy. Gets jealous if Blondie spends time with Wells but throws a tantrum if she spends a moment near Dani." He looked Raven up and down as if mentally comparing her to Clarke. "So, if you're his girlfriend, Finn sure as hell doesn't act like it. Which makes him a fool 'cause I sure as hell wouldn't forget I left you behind."

"That's enough, John," Wells interceded, warily watching the Latina. But it's not untrue. Finn hasn't spoken about you and has been seen flirting with the girls in camp, most especially with Clarke, but I'm fairly certain there's nothing serious between them."

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