Chapter 15

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A/N: I wasn't sure if I'd be in the mood to write this chapter or any other for my other stories. So, I was a bit surprised when a bout of sleeplessness turned into a new chapter. With this chapter, I'm extending the canon timeline to fit the narrative and at someone's suggestion, I added a few more bunkers. Enjoy.

After discussing what Dani had discovered during her trip with Wells and Charlotte and voicing her concerns, it was unanimously decided to hide their bunker's entrance and look for other bunkers. The four of them had stood outside the bunker brainstorming how to disguise the hatch when Charlotte had the brilliant idea of using the creeping vines they'd seen while hunting. The older teens had agreed, making the young girl swell up in pride. They had also decided to make the clearing look more like a campsite. The only problem was that they lacked tents. After a day of hunting to stock up on supplies and another of smoking some of the meat, they headed out for the next closest bunker on Dani's map.

The first few bunkers proved fruitless, only finding some clothes, blankets, and kitchenware that had survived animals and the elements. Wells and Charlotte took those to the dropship since their bunker had more than enough. The Delinquents had made a mad dash for the supplies, fighting over them until Wells fired Bellamy's stolen pistol into the air. The suddenly frozen state of the teens allowed Clarke, Octavia, and a couple of others to gain control over the supplies. After moving them into the Dropship and Clarke laying down the law, the supplies were handed out.

Before Wells and Charlotte had left to head back, Clarke had pulled Wells aside and quietly asked after Dani. Feeling somewhat torn between his loyalty to Dani and his years of friendship with Clarke, Wells reluctantly admitted that the brunette was doing better and that the four of them looked out after one another. Then the boy left the blonde with a word of warning, the same that Dani and Murphy had already said. If Clarke wanted forgiveness and repair her relationship with Dani, the blonde needed to show them she was putting in the effort, even if it meant earning the ire of Dani's enemies in camp because Dani didn't deserve the hate.

Clarke had nodded, looking guilty but determined, and accepted Wells' warning for what it was. The truth and realization that the blonde had a lot to make up for. And that Wells fully supported Dani while Clarke couldn't even admit to herself that she still held some reservations regarding the brunette girl.

When they parted, Wells headed back to the gate, where he found Octavia waiting alongside Charlotte. He waited for her to speak regarding the petite brunette with a raised brow. Once Octavia realized that Wells was waiting, she quickly rushed out that she had heard what Dani had done for Atom and wanted someone to pass on her thanks. Octavia also passed on that Bellamy and his few loyal followers were looking to get back at Dani for what she'd done to him their first night on the ground. Hearing the sincerity in both her thanks and warning, Wells promised that they'd be careful and that if Dani were at the Dropship, she wouldn't be alone.

That promise took a weight off the petite brunette's shoulders and left her once more questioning why everyone either feared or hated Dani. And with a small smile and a wave, Octavia watched them leave the camp and saw two of Bellamy's thugs following shortly after. She could only shake her head at her brother's persistence and hoped that like every other time she'd watched the duo leave, their followers would shortly return with nothing to show for their efforts.

A day after their trip to the Dropship, the group began to carefully remove any hanging vines they found and transplant them onto the grassy mound the bunker hatch was built into. It took them several days of painstaking work to cover the entirety of the rise and even found a way to disguise the keypad. There was some debate on whether to pad the hatch to make it look as if it was part of the mound. In the end, they decided to leave it alone for the time being.

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