Chapter 10

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Trikru Stronghold

Anya had barely settled her gonas within the stronghold when a messenger rode up. Within a pouch, there was a stack of scout reports Indra had collected for the general. Anya had sent the messenger back with a verbal response that she'd be in touch later. Once the messenger was on their way with a fresh horse, the dirty blonde sat behind a weathered table and began reading through the reports.

What she read left Anya feeling confused. The only report that made sense was that they came because their home was no longer viable. But the rest made her furrow her brow. The scouts had learned that the strange woman's name was Dani and had been labeled a murderer by her father. She and her companion, a young man alternately called John and Murphy, were joined by two others. Another young man with dark skin called Wells Jaha and a young girl named Charlotte. All four of them appeared to be outcasts of a sort and remained away from the main group of goufas.

The reports indicated that there was an altercation between Wells, Dani, and another on their first night. The scouts reported that this other person, Bellamy, appeared to have taken charge of the group. He used intimidation to get what he wanted and didn't seem in a hurry to organize the camp. During the altercation, the scouts learned that Bellamy had gravely injured their leader before sneaking aboard the metal object to be with his sister. Their leader, the Chancellor, was also Wells' father and was hated among the group. And during the day, Bellamy had convinced some of the goufas to remove a metal band from their wrists. This act effectively put the people in the sky at greater risk of death. Dani stated that the act gives their leadership, a council, justification to kill a portion of their population. She had sentenced him to have his hand removed for endangering their people and attacking one of Dani's people. Which, in Anya's opinion, was lenient, and Dani was behaving as a leader should. But Dani had been stopped by the blonde, Clarke, from the group who attempted to travel to the Maun-de. Bellamy was still punished, only now he carries a mark on his forearm as a reminder.

The following reports state that Dani and her group left the camp to survey the land and find separate lodgings, hunting and gathering as they went. They had found two bunkers and settled into the second one. Since then, Dani has been training the three on how to hunt properly and in defense. While back at the main group, there appeared to be a power struggle between Bellamy and Clarke for leadership. It left the camp disorganized, and little had been accomplished. Only a few poorly made shelters and a couple of groups going to search for food. The groups returned with little to show for spending hours in the forest.

Anya didn't understand why someone like Dani, who had knowledge, skill, and was a natural leader, wasn't taking charge of the camp. The reports indicated that there was some disdain towards Dani, but that shouldn't be a deterrent. It made the older woman question if Dani even wanted her people to survive. Anya was starting to think that they needed a fuller idea of this woman's history to understand.

Then there was the report from the scout assigned to follow Dani and her small group. According to the scout, they ran into a wolf caught in a trap on their second day. Instead of skirting around the injured animal or killing and taking it for nourishment, Dani had freed the animal. The strangest thing about the incident was that the wolf never attacked the girl. It simply left the moment it was free. Since then, a wolf has been seen following Dani whenever she leaves the bunker. When compounded with the ease the young woman moved within the forest and her skill as a hunter, it only made Anya curiouser. This was not normal behavior.

If the way the goufas lacked skills and knowledge of survival was indicative of their people as a whole, how was it that a woman from the same ilk appeared the opposite? And where did the wolves fit in?

With a heavy sigh, Anya knew what needed to happen. She needed to see this Dani for herself. She needed to know if there was something more to this woman. If Dani was a danger to Trikru, the Kongeda, Heda, or even Lexa. And why was there a clear division between her and the group of goufas?

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