Chapter 5

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The day had been long but somewhat fruitful for Dani and her group. They had headed to the first and closest bunker to the dropship. Upon investigation, they had discovered it was small and only large enough for no more than six people. While Murphy and Charlotte had looked through the crates left behind, Dani and Wells had looked at the generator room. What they had found was rather disappointing. Besides clothing, only candles and some kitchenware was worth scavenging. The rest were knickknacks that appeared to only hold sentimental value to the ones who built the bunker. The generator was just as disappointing. It was meant to run off high-grade fuel and oil, but centuries later, none of it was useable. The consensus was that living there for any time was not pragmatic but was suitable enough for an emergency.

After notating the contents and its possible use in a notebook Charlotte had found, they closed it up and headed to the next closest bunker. Along the way, Dani worked with them on how to move quietly through the forest while also identifying plants and animal signs. Dani had taken two rabbits, a rather chunky squirrel, and a hare with her throwing knives in the process. For someone who had never been planetside before, Dani was a natural when it came to hunting. Having yet to miss any throws or misidentify flora. When questioned, Dani only guessed it was her constant training and photographic memory, though, in truth, she wasn't so sure.

Shortly after catching the hare, a pained howl ripped through the air. It caused the hairs on the backs of their necks to rise as they suddenly came to a halt. Another cry sounded, and something in Dani snapped; she needed to find the source. Gesturing for her friends to be quiet, she led them cautiously toward the sound. By the time they reached the source, the howls had become pained yelps and whimpers. They crouched by some bushes, and Dani edged forward until she had a clear view.

About twenty feet away, a large, dark brown wolf lay panting. One of its hind legs was caught in a trap. Dani's heart immediately seized at the sight as anger flared, making her growl. Murphy lightly laid a hand on Dani's back, shaking her from the view. She looked over at her friends and saw both fearful and saddened faces.

"Give me the two rabbits," Dani whispered, holding out her hand to Wells, who was carrying their catches.

"Are you crazy," Murphy hissed at her. "That is a wolf. An enormous wolf. A huge, trapped wolf, Dani."

"I know," Dani retorted, rolling her shoulders as the sounds from the wolf were making her agitated. "I just...I don't know. I need to help it. I can't explain it. Just give me the rabbits, please."

"You're going to get yourself killed," Murphy relented and nodded to Wells.

Wells handed her the rabbits, "Dani, you know what they say about trapped animals."

Dani huffed, "I know. But, I don't know, I don't think it will hurt me."

"If you die, I get your stuff," Murphy glared at her.

"That was always the plan," Dani said, removing her ruck, bow, and quiver. "Just be ready to move if I'm wrong."

"Be careful," Charlotte fearfully whispered.

Dani smiled comfortingly at the younger girl, "I always am. Most of the time."

She squared her shoulders with a nod to the boys and slowly moved into the wolf's sight. It had started growling hearing their whispered conversation. The growl increased when Dani came into view. Holding out her hands, she slowly moved around the wolf to come up by the trap.

"Easy," Dani calmly told the wolf. "I'm just here to help. I'm not the one that set the trap. I swear on my mother's soul."

She kept talking calmly to the wolf as she slowly made her way closer. It continued to growl, showing its teeth, and snapping on occasion. Dani remained undeterred, knowing it was only doing it out of fear and pain. When she was close, Dani tossed one of the rabbits to the wolf.

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