Chapter 4

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Dani woke up with a groan. Her body was stiff, and her bruises were flaring as muscles moved. With a sigh, she got up and strolled a bit into the woods to relieve herself. When she returned, Murphy was awake and tending the fire. Silently, they set the tripod back up, added a bit of water to the stew, and set it over the fire to warm up. Murphy then stepped into the woods to take care of business.

"Alright, Dani," Murphy said as he came back. "Strip so I can take care of your back."

Dani rolled her eyes, but with protesting muscles and bruises, complied. She handed him the med kit and turned her back to him. Murphy carefully removed the bandage and tossed it into the fire. He pulled a bowl of water that the fire had left warming and carefully cleaned around the burn with a rag. He gently patted it dry, but it sent shivers up and down Dani's back anyway.

When he was done, Dani looked over her shoulder at him. Their eyes locked momentarily, and they flickered between eyes and lips. Dani reached back and slowly drew him closer until their lips touched. The kiss was gentle yet exploratory and short. They both drew back slightly, checking in with one another before they were kissing again. This one was deeper but still gentle.

Parting, Murphy smirked, "So, does this mean we're dating?"

Dani snorted and flicked his nose, "Don't be absurd. It was whatever it was. You're my friend first and foremost. But a thank you didn't seem adequate for standing with me last night or for taking care of me. It's been a long time since I've had either."

"I can accept that," he replied, wiggling his brows and making her snort again. "And don't worry, I won't stand in your way if Blondie's interested."

Dani followed the movement of his eyes with the turn of her head to find Clarke standing nearby. She turned back to Murphy and whispered, "Ass."

He quietly chuckled and moved to stir the stew. With a sigh, Dani pulled on her Henley and went over to Clarke.

"I didn't expect to see you up before noon," Dani greeted the blonde.

Clarke looked between Dani and Murphy, "I came to check on your bruises, but I guess I needn't have bothered."

"Jealousy doesn't suit you, Clarke," Dani quietly told her. "You made it abundantly clear that we were over when they were taking me away. Who I kiss or sleep with is no longer your concern."

"I'm not jealous," Clarke hissed, blue eyes glaring at her.

Dani quirked a brow and picked up Clarke's arm, showing her a balled fist, "Really? Then why did you look like you wanted to rip Murphy's head off when I looked over?"

Clarke wrenched her hand out of Dani's light grip, "I came over to check on you and Wells. I wasn't expecting you to be making out in front of the entire camp."

Dani sighed, "Whatever. But for your information, the entire camp is on the other side of the dropship. I'm fine, and Wells will be too. I'm taking him out of camp today and plan on keeping him busy instead of thinking of Jaha. You know he needs to keep busy while he processes things."

"I remember," Clarke suddenly deflated.

Dani nodded, "Good. Since you're here, you're welcome to join us for some leftover stew."

Clarke shook her head, "No, that's alright. I need to see if Monty can begin working on a way to communicate with the Ark."

"Okay, no skin off my back," Dani replied, shrugging. "Just thought I'd offer."

"Dani, I'm not the enemy here," Clarke said, looking at the taller girl.

"I never said you were," Dani returned her look. "As I said, you made it abundantly clear that you wanted nothing to do with me ever again. I can respect that and even move on from that. But you did say those things, and it hurt that you refused to believe me and stand with me. Friends don't do that. Murphy's been by my side through everything and has believed in me without hesitance. And I've done the same for him. That's what friends do. That's what family does." Dani pointed back to her camp. "That's what they have done. They believe me and in me."

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