Chapter 6

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The moment Dani enters the firelight, Murphy can tell something's wrong. He quickly shakes his head at Wells when he opens his mouth to speak. Wells snaps it shut but looks at Murphy questioningly. Murphy sighs and only shakes his head once more. Dani needs time before she'll be ready to talk about whatever's bothering her. So instead of pestering her for information, he silently hands her a plate of roasted rabbit and vegetables. Dani nods her thanks and sits close to him, needing his presence to help ground her and her thoughts.

Dani's thoughts are spiraling. Even after Clarke's display during her arrest, Dani had hoped that Clarke would have realized the truth. That if they ever reconnected, the blonde would have been remorseful and that Clarke had felt something for the brunette. While the blonde had apologized for her actions, and they'd had the beginnings of a long-overdue conversation, what the blonde did before Dani left called it all back into question. Dani wanted to believe Clarke was genuine, but she could no longer be sure after years of being manipulated by others. It was even making Dani question if their relationship had even been real or had it been some scheme to get what Clarke wanted. Because as she thought back, it had been a primarily physical relationship. Most of the time they spent together was spent having sex and sleeping to recover. Dani found herself digging through every little detail, and it was only making her more upset.

So, with a tremendous effort, Dani stopped. She reminded herself that the past was the past, and while it could be used to teach, it did no good to dwell on it. She finished her drink and set the empty cup and plate beside her feet. Wanting something genuine, Dani leaned her head on Murphy's shoulder, and he immediately wrapped his arm around her in silent support.

"I thought things were going well," Dani quietly spoke, staring into the fire. "We spoke and got some things off our chests. Long overdue things. And it was comfortable. Like old times. But when I told her that we, meaning me, weren't staying, she did something."

"What she do," Murphy asked, beginning to wonder if he needed to go and set Clarke straight. He hated to see his friend struggle and hurt.

Dani tucked her arms around herself, "She made this move. A touch. I always craved her touches, you know. And this touch, this move, it always got me to start caving. To do whatever it was, Clarke wanted to do. But it was different this time. Like I saw it for what it was. A trick with nothing behind it other than to get me to cave and do what Clarke wanted me to. It made me so angry, John. I think I laid out boundaries, but then I left, and I've been nitpicking our relationship ever since."

"What else," Murphy asked after a moment where Dani snuggled deeper into his side.

Dani sighed and reluctantly sat up, moving her hands down to rub against her thighs, feeling the broken band in her pocket. She pulled it out, examining it under the firelight, "Monty, the Asian kid, wants to try and use these bands to communicate with the Ark. I told him that Wells and I would look into it. You know, since we both know electronics. I also told him that it would take us a couple of days to get back to him." She held the band to Wells, who sat to her left. "What do you think?"

Wells took the band from her, examining it for himself. Dani waited patiently, knowing it would take him a bit longer. Wells was clever but, unlike Dani, didn't have the advantage of a photographic memory.

He looked up at her finally, "We'll need to take it apart, but from what I overheard from Abby, they're powered by the body's natural current. Without an external power source or maybe a lucky removal, I'm not sure it's possible."

"That's what I was thinking," Dani agreed, waving off his attempt to hand it back. "The only other way I can think of is to send a coded message, removing certain individual bands. Then hope someone with enough intelligence notices the sequence."

"That could work," Wells nodded thoughtfully. "It's safer than the alternative. I'll bring it up to Clarke next time I see her."

"Thanks," the brunette smiled warmly at him, knowing he was doing it for her benefit.

"Why do you want to contact the Ark," Charlotte spoke up. "Didn't you tell us they still want to execute you?"

Dani sighed but nodded, "I did, and the council does. But that's not why I agree with it. There are innocent people up there, Charlie. Some of those kids in camp still have family and friends. Then there are the children up there still. If there are less than six months of air left, those kids are already feeling the effects. I'm doing this for them. Do you understand?"

"You're helping to save the people on the Ark, not the council," Charlotte replied, frowning slightly.

"Sometimes you have to save the bad to save the good, kid," Murphy said. "It's not fair, and it's not right, but sometimes it has to be done."

Dani smiled at him, leaning slightly and kissing his temple, whispering, "I think I'm rubbing off on you."

"Don't remind me," he grumbled but felt a touch of pride at her words.

"Whatever," she smirked and then turned back to the fire. "I was also followed when I left camp. Two of Bellamy's guys tried but failed miserably. From what I could see of the camp, they haven't done much. Built a few tents and have started to remove the seats from inside the dropship. I don't think anyone went out in search of food."

"And since you've already proven your skill in that department, Bellamy probably sent them after you in hopes of stealing anything you had," Wells knowingly replied.

Murphy growled low, but Dani soothed him by laying a hand on his thigh and gently squeezing.

"I think that was the plan, but with the low light and lack of knowledge and experience, they gave up after a few minutes," Dani explained. "I want to keep this place from them for as long as humanly possible. It has comforts that Bellamy would fight us over. And while I am confident in my and Murphy's ability to fight off anyone, I don't want to put either of you at risk. Nor do I want to risk damaging the bunker. So tomorrow, after we get the generator running and things set up, I want to work with the three of you. Get it so that you're moving silently and barely leaving a trail for anyone to follow."

"You're a slave driver," Murphy moaned in irritation.

"Only when it comes to protecting people I care about," Dani retorted, squeezing his thigh hard. "I just want you all to be safe."

Murphy softened, taking her hand from his thigh and squeezing it, "We know. But I reserve the right to complain about it anyway."

Dani smiled, "You wouldn't be you otherwise," and softly kissed him.

"Damn right," he replied against her lips, then laid his forehead against hers. He let out a gusty sigh, then straightened, "Since the slave driver has spoken, we should bed down for the night. We're in for some long days ahead."

Everyone agreed, and after cleaning up, they laid the sleeping bags around the fire. Dani banked it before crawling into her sleeping bag. She took a look around the area before closing her eyes to drift to a night of light sleep.

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