(Got the pic from Pinterest)

Talia had worn a white coat-like shirt with two silver buttons in the middle and fuzz on the sleeves and chest while wearing a white fuzzy skirt that reached to her knees. She also wore white knee-length boots that almost matched her outfit as she stormed out of the house, nervously clutching onto her purse as she tried to soothe her nerves by trying to use her breathing exercises.

 She also wore white knee-length boots that almost matched her outfit as she stormed out of the house, nervously clutching onto her purse as she tried to soothe her nerves by trying to use her breathing exercises

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(My cousin sent me this pic, idk where she got it from 😭)

(My cousin sent me this pic, idk where she got it from 😭)

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(The pic is from Pinterest)

Her daughters insisted on coming along with their mother, but she turned them down, not wanting them to get involved in whatever she was gonna do in the meeting with Sera. Luckily, Molly volunteered to watching over the twins and wished Talia luck on getting the meeting with Sera, hoping nothing bad happens to her friend.

After a while of walking, Talia made it to the building and took a deep breath before entering and greeted a few angels that she came across before she stopped in front of a receptionist, to which she smiled at softly.

"Hello! My names Lily! How may I help you today?" The receptionist, Lily, asked as she placed her hands on her desk, patiently waiting for the woman in front of her to state her business.

"Well, uh, my name's Talia," she responded nervously as she began to fidget with her purse, already sweating from talking to the angel that looked at her with kind eyes.

"I wish to make a meeting with Sera" Talia spoke up as she felt her face grow hot in embarrassment since she didn't really know how to talk to the other angels and winners, making her let out a quiet but nervous chuckle.

"Oh! Well, unfortunately, Sera's not here today at the moment, but Emily is!" Lily responded with a small smile as she stood up and pointed to the left.

"Emily's probably in the room across from Sera's meeting room" She responded before looking over at Talia with a smile and nodded her head at her. "I wish you well"

"Oh! Uh, thank you! You too!" Talia responded before immediately scattering away from the receptionist and made her way down the left hall, making her feel more and more nervous the closer she got to the door.

Once she was in front of the door, she stared at the door for a good moment before slowly reaching for the door handle, gripping it tightly as she continued to stare at the door handle that she was tightly gripping that her hand started to turn white, making her let go of it and pace around and ran a hand through her face, trying to call herself down before she jumped in surprise when the door opened, revealing a smiling Emily.

"Hi! I'm Emily! Or Emi for short, or Em. I don't mind! Call me whatever you find fit!" She waved her hands around before opening the door wide enough for Talia to enter. "Come in please! I don't want you to stay out longer than you need to be" she uttered as she waved her hands towards the inside of the room, making Talia smile at the girl and chuckle.

"Thank you sweetheart" Talia responded with a nod and entered the room, feeling a bit calmer than before when Emily opened the door with her enthusiasm, unlike her older sister, who absolutely scares and stresses the poor woman.

She sat down across from Emily who had her hands on the desk and looked at Talia with that bright smile that Talia found calm. "So! What's this meeting you want to set about?" Emily asked warmly as she tapped her hands on the top of the desk while the woman across from her placed her purse on top of her own lap.

"Well, I want to set up a meeting about trying to redeem sinners.." Talia responded with a small and nervous smile, her voice getting even more quieter and unsure as she continued to speak, her face started to cringe a bit once she finished, hoping the seraphim in front of her wouldn't be negative about the suggestion.

Emily's eyes widened a bit at the thought of redeeming sinners, making her arch an eyebrow at Talia and lean a bit closer to her "Redeeming sinners?" The seraphim asked as she placed an elbow on the table and placed her cheek on her palm. "But, I thought they couldn't be redeemed?Aren't they in hell in the first place to face their punishments and suffer the consequences? At least that's what Sera told me" Emily asked as she mumbled the last sentence to herself while looking down at the desk.

Talia shook her head as she placed a hand close to Emily's other hand that was still on the desk and gave her a sweet smile. "What if they can be redeemed though? What if they can become better and rise to heaven to finally rest, knowing that they've become someone knew? Someone better than their old selves?" The winner asked as she pulled her hand away from Emily's and threw her hands up excitedly, her eyes shinning with passion.

Emily stared at Talia with curiosity in her eyes as Talia began to explain about even though there are some sinners who shouldn't exactly be redeemed, others should be given a second chance to change their ways and become a better version of themselves.

After a while of Talia rambling on and on about the subject, Emily gave her a big smile and clasped her hands together. "That sounds like an absolutely great idea! I think Sera might also like the idea of redeeming sinners!" The seraphim responded enthusiastically as she jumped up from her chair fluttered a bit, making Talia chuckle at Emily's enthusiasm.

"You know, you're enthusiasm reminds me of my daughters, they're just bundles of joys" She spoke up softly as Emily looked at her with a raised eyebrow

"You have a daughter?" "Two. They're twins" she responded as she took out her phone from her purse and opened up her photo album, showing the seraphim pictures of her daughters. "I think you'd become good friends with them if you got to know them"

Emily let out a squeal as she began to stomp her feet on the ground out of excitement before looking up at Talia. "Oh my goodness! I should have play dates with your daughters!" She piped up warmly as she began to list things that she thought would be fun to do with the twins, making Talia stare at her in awe.

"I'll let my girls know, but may I ask, when should the meeting be held?" She asked as she arched an eyebrow at Emily, to which she shrugged and opened her mouth to speak, but a voice spoke up from behind them that belonged to the young seraphim's older sister, making Talia freeze in her seat as a shiver ran down her body.

"The meeting shall be held today."

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