(Got the pic from Pinterest)
⚠️Warning⚠️ ❗️There WILL be smut up ahead❗️ Anyways, back to the story-

Talia and her husband, #######, were walking together around the town, laughing and smiling together as they talked about random things before they stopped in front of a pond, which made them stop in their tracks and stared at the beautiful sight.

"This is such a beautiful sight to see, isn't it, my love?" The woman asked as she looked up at her husband with a small smile that was plastered on her lips while she asked him the question, to which he looked down at her with a smile as well and hummed.

"Of course, this is quite the sight, but nothing could beat the sight of you . You are, by far, the most beautiful and breathtaking sight I have ever laid eyes on, my darling." He responded in a gentle tone as he wrapped an arm around his wife's waist and pulled her close to him as he placed soft kisses all over her face, making the woman chuckle at his affection.

"Oh #######! You're such a charmer, are you not?" She lightly teased him as she placed a hand on his cheek while kissing his lips for a moment, which he returned, before pulling away from him and nodded her head towards the direction of a nearby bench that was right across the pond. "Can we sit down on that bench? I'm quite tired from our walk and would like to sit." Talia asked as she looked at the bench for a minute, before looking back up at him.

The man nodded with his usual smile as he nodded at her while he gently grabbed her chin with his other hand. "Of course, my darling, anything for you" he spoke soothingly as he placed a small kiss on her forehead before grabbing her hand and began to lead her to the bench across from the pond.

Once they managed to sit down next to each other on the bench, Talia rested her head on her husband's shoulder, admiring the scenery as the man placed his head on top of hers, his eyes kept switching from between the pond, then his wife, but he would occasionally stare at his wife for a while with a loving gaze, before looking back at the pond.

The couple then turned their attention towards a woman with a stroller that held a babbling baby, to which the couple smiled at before the lonely mother looked over at the couple and waved at them. "Good afternoon!" The mother responded warmly, to which the couple returned the greeting as they waved at the woman before they both stood up and walked over towards her.

"Your baby just looks so absolutely adorable! What's their name?" Talia asked softly as she looked inside the stroller and smiled at the baby, who continued to make random noises, making her chuckle. The mother then smiled and looked down at her baby. "His name is Philip, he's barely a few months old." She responded as she stood next to Talia, before gently taking the baby out of the stroller and held him out towards the woman. "Do you wish to hold him for a moment before I take out his baby bottle? It's almost his feeding time." The mother responded, making Talia's smile grow as she nodded. "I'd be delighted."

Once the mother passed Talia her baby to the woman, Talia held the baby close to her and hummed softly as the baby reached his small hands towards her, so she reached her fingers towards him, which he gladly took and messed around with as the baby smiled at her, making Talia's heart melt at the baby's affection. Her husband on the other hand, observed his wife and the baby interact with each other, and for some reason, he felt an odd sensation rush through him.

He then saw how the lonely mother was about to bottle feed the baby, but his wife offered instead, so the woman handed Talia the bottle of milk and she began to hum a soft tune to the baby as it held onto the bottle as he drank it, which made ####### smile grow soft as the sensation grew on him since seeing his wife interact with the baby made him wish that the baby was theirs, not really realizing he was getting baby fever since he was paying too much attention on his wife, but Talia also had the same issue

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