Talia's eyes began to slowly open, muffled cries came from on top of her as she felt something shake her body, making her groan in pain as her eyes landed on two blurry bodies.

After a short while, her eyesight adjusted and saw her daughters, covered in bruises and scratches as they shook her away, so once they saw their mother open her eyes, they let out a sigh of relief while tears ran down their face.

"Mom!" They both yelled in union as they tackled their mom into a tight embrace, making the woman let out a quiet grunt of pain while allowing the twins to cry as they held onto her.

"We thought you were gone for good!" "I'm so glad you're okay! They both cried, talking over each other while holding her close, making her lips turn up into a small smile as she weakly wrapped her arms around them both, patting their backs that leaked gold blood, that once meant purity, making her flinch away from the sight.

Talia's eyes scanned the area around her, witnessing all kinds of reds, pinks, and some blacks, making her breath hitch, noticing just how horrible it was down in hell, how messy and dark it looked, the demons bumping into each other, cussing and insulting one another as bodies laid on the streets while everyone else walked by like it was a normal day occurrence, which it was.

She pulled away from the embrace as she held both of her daughter's faces, inspecting every little injury they had. "Are you girls alright.? How long have I been out for.?" The woman asked as she shifted her gaze from one twin to the other, wanting answers.

"We're fine, momma." Elaine reassured her quietly as she held her mothers hand. "Me and Milena dragged you to a more safer spot since.. y'know, we're in hell now.." she muttered nervously as she looked away from the older woman, before looking to her twin.

"You were out for a good while, like maybe an hour or so." Milena replied with a nervous smile, trying to lighten up the mood by acting playful, but truth was, she was scared as shit. This was new territory for the three of them, and the new folk, the souls here weren't so nice and welcoming to them.

Talia sighed heavily as she tried to grasp the reality of their situation, not wanting to believe they were actually thrown down into this hell hole, literally.

When the woman sat up, she scrunched her face up in pain when she felt a sharp pain shoot through her back and all throughout her body, making her slowly turn her head go try and see what was up with her, but without even fully turning back, she saw a puddle of golden blood around her body, making her eyes widen.

Just like her daughters, her back was bleeding from the two deep cuts she had, where her wings once were, before being brutally ripped out by Lute, making her clench her teeth.

The twins saw the way their mother's expression changed and exchanged worried glances towards each other before looking at her, not wanting to have her worry about that at the moment, even though it was pretty recent.

"Ma.. what are we gonna do.?" Elaine whispered with tears in her eyes, feeling frightened as she looked at her with wide eyes. "I'm scared.."

Milena frowned at her sister's frightened state before holding her close and rested her head on top of hers, which touched Talia's heart, making her wrap her arms around them both.

"Oh, mes chéris.." she whispered softly while placing kisses on their foreheads, trying to reassure them, but it wasn't easy, not when you were tossed into hell itself, where anything could happen, knowing nobody was safe.

"I'll think of something, alright? I won't let you both get in harms way again, I swear." She hummed as she tightened her hold on them, then pulled away after a while of embracing them, her hands going to the floor. "Lets go, we have to find a somewhat decent place to stay in for the meantime." She mumbled as she slowly but surely pushed herself off of the ground, but it was quiet painful from the bruises she had.

The twins supported their mother by holding her from her sides and placing her arms around them so they could properly hold her, not wanting their mother to suddenly fall or get hurt again. "We'll help you momma, it's the least we can do for you since you basically saved up from the fall." Elaine muttered softly as she sent Talia a small smile, while Milena nodded in agreement.

"We aren't gonna allow anyone down here get their nasty hands on you." She replied in a protective tone while narrowing her eyebrows, which made Talia's heart melt from how caring they were about her.

"Thank you, mes adorables bébés, I love you both dearly, forever until my soul dies." Talia spoke quietly as she smiled at them, making the twins hold their mother tighter.

"As will we, maman." They replied in union once more while they slowly walked with their mother, trying to find a more safer and secluded area to properly take care of her.


- HIIII 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻 I'M BACKKKK 🗣🗣🗣🔊🔊🔊

- I apologize for updating so late 😔 I was lazy and had writers block, even for my other story 😭 BUT I'M BACK FOR NOW 😁

- Hope y'all liked this chapter, it wasn't much but 🤷‍♀️ I LOVE Y'ALL 💗💗💗💗 HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

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