(Got the pic from Pinterest)

Talia slowly turned around and felt herself grow anxious in the presence of Sera, making her stare at the older seraphim for a moment before letting out a nervous chuckle. "Pardon? Today?" She asked quietly as her mind began to race at the change of plan, which made her feel extra anxious, to which Sera nodded.

"Yes. Today. Is there a problem having the meeting today?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow at the woman and held her hands in front of her while looking down at Talia, making her immediately shake her head.

"Of course not! I was just caught off guard!" She defended, waving her hands around as she desperately tried to not let Sera get the wrong idea, to which she chuckled at and waved her hand dismissively. "I know, there is no need to be nervous, I'm sure whatever you want to talk about will be of use." Sera responded with a small smile.

Talia grew stressed at Sera's explanation, making her hum nervously and looked over at Emily, who was already looking at her with a hopeful glint in her eyes, before looking over at Sera once again and nodded.

"It is." She spoke up as she stood up from her seat and placed a hand on her hip. "What time will the meeting be held?"

"It will be held at 3:30, in 3 hours from now. I suggest you get ready for the meeting, for it sounds important seeing as you're passionate about it." Sera answered as she moved her hand towards the door, signaling her leave. "I will be awaiting your arrival, I do hope you will not disappoint me." She added as she looked down at the winner with an arched eyebrow, to which the woman nodded.

"I won't!" Talia responded eagerly as she took her purse and was about to walk out of the door, before looking back at Emily with a small smile and waved at her. "I'll ask my girls about you and your ideas." She spoke warmly before Emily waved back at her after she left the room, smiling brightly. "Okay! Thank you!" She yelled excitedly, then looked up at her older sister. "I think her idea of redeeming sinners might actually be a good idea! Don't you think?" She asked while turning her back on her sister and began to dig through a drawer

Sera froze in her spot and looked over at Emily, a judgmental look on her face. "Pardon? Redeeming sinners?" She asked as Emily began to take out a piece of yellow paper and some colored pens as she hummed. "Yeah, redeeming sinners! She believes that some sinners deserve a second chance to better themselves." She responded before turning back to her and showed her the yellow piece of paper and colored pens. "I'm gonna start to list a few ideas on this paper for her daughters! I hope they'll enjoy them!"

Sera watched as Emily exited the room while humming a happy toon to herself and stayed in her spot until the younger seraphim closed the door and looked down at the floor as she clenched her jaw.

"Sinners can't be redeemed. I'll make sure of it"


Talia was inside her room in her house while her daughters stayed at Molly's home, not wanting them to be unsupervised, so she allowed them to stay as long as they didn't cause any trouble towards Molly, which wasn't much of a problem.

She looked down at the drawer, where her jewelry box was and stared at the silver ring for a while, before letting out a sigh and took it with her, slipping it on her ring finger as she walked out of her home and started to do breathing exercises to soothe out her nerves, again.

Talia wore a white, silky dress with a matching ribbon that she tied into a bow, but the end of it reached down to her thighs, which she didn't mind at all. Her sleeves were short and ruffled along with the underneath of the dress that held some patterns on them. The dress had buttons that went from the middle of her collarbone down to the underneath of her chest.

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