(Got the pic from Pinterest)

Talia was humming a soft tune to herself as she began to play the piano, her fingers gently pressed each key depending on the sound and rhythm she was heading towards.

She then slightly jumped at the unexpected embrace from behind, which was from her loving husband, who just wanted to check up on his wife.

He nuzzled his face on the crook of her neck and began to place small kisses on her neck, then trailed them upwards to her jaw, cheek, forehead, then back down to her lips, to which she gladly welcomed as she turned her head to the side to get comfortable as began to melt into the kiss before they both pulled away as they stared at each other lovingly, before Talia turned back down towards the piano.

"What song are you trying to play on the piano, my darling?" He asked softly as he placed his chin on her shoulder as he continued to look at her lovingly, making Talia chuckle.

"Nothing much really, I'm just practicing playing the piano I suppose. I always wanted to play the piano, the sound of the keys is absolutely beautiful." Talia explained as she tried to play the keys, but her face scrunched up as she played the wrong key and sighed disappointedly as she places her hands on her lap.

"As you can tell, I'm not having the best of luck, I'm afraid." Talia spoke with a frown as she looked at the piano in defeat. Her husband looked at her with a small frown for a moment before looking at the piano. He then lit up as his usual smile returned, but much more brighter as he got an idea while looking back at his wife.

"How about I teach you then? I'd say I'm a rather excellent pianist myself!" He replied enthusiastically as he jumped up excitedly before throwing his arms up in the air, then gently placed his hands down on his wife's shoulders once he was done speaking. "What do you think, my love?" He asked with a more gentle tone as he looked at her with a soft expression.

She looked over at him with a curious expression before giving him a grateful nod and smile. "That sounds wonderful, #######" she responded with a now calm tone as she moved over on the seat she was on, making space for her husband next to her, to which he gladly did so.

The man took a seat next to his wife and placed his fingertips on the keys, to which Talia copied his actions and proceeded to place her fingertips on top of the keys, then looked back over at him with a small smile.

####### then began to slowly press on the keys, making them play the wonderful tunes that he deeply enjoyed before looking over at his wife, who attempted to play the keys as well, which she succeeded in, making him smile brighter at how well she looked playing the piano and continued to keep the pace so Talia wouldn't be so far behind.

As the time passed by, the two married couple began to sing and laugh alongside one another as they continued to play the piano together, not having a single care for the outside world besides them both as all their attention was on each other, making them look at each other with a loving expression before they both stopped playing the keys of the piano and just stared at each other with a love-drunken expression, before the man scooted closer to his wife and placed a hand on her waist, pulling her closer to him and kept his hand there.

"You are such a marvelous woman, you know that?" He asked as he leaned down closely to the woman's face, making her hum softly as she placed a hand on his chest. "You always tend to remind me, so I already know that" she mumbled softly as she pressed her forehead against his, to which his smile grew and brought his other hand up to her cheek and began to stroke her face with his thumb.

"That's because I want you to know that you are a marvelous woman that I luckily married, so I don't want you to forget who you are, my love" he replied before looking down at his wife's lips, making Talia also look at his lips, then back at his eyes, which he was already doing, making her smile soften.

"You are quite the charmer, aren't you?" Talia asked in a playful tone as she quietly chuckled, making her husband chuckle as well as he hummed. "Of course, only for my one and only." He murmured before he closed the gap between them.

He pressed his lips against hers, to which she welcomed instantly and kissed him back as she brought her other hand towards his hair and gently held onto him as they embraced each other in a warm manner while sharing a loving kiss.

They were both too focused on each other to care about the world around them, it felt like it was just the two of them in that moment, with no care for the outside world or what was to come in the future, they both knew that whatever happened, they'd go through it together.

As a happily married couple for the rest of their mortal lives.


-Y'all, I apologize for not posting, I just got lazy, but I'll try to post faster next time and make longer chapters 😃

-Btw, half of the chapter I edited at school out of pure boredom

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