Chapter 10

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Later that day I went to thias room. She wasn't in potions, one of the few classes we shared. When I went in she wasn't there. For some odd reason I felt myself wondering around her room anyway. It was neat very neat, freakishly neat. There were no pictures of her friends or family. No random Nic naks or teddies. If it wasn't for hygiene products, clothes and books you could convince me a robot lived here.

I continued to look around when something caught my eye. A small silver locket lay on her bedside table. I picked it up. I fiddled with it, opening the locket. What the hell.

My family crest, the Malfoy family crest was the small photo inside the locket. I couldn't fathom what that could possibly be doing here. I stared at it blankly. Was she related to me? Ew no way, I kissed her. She couldn't be right? We did share the same platinum hair. What the fuck. Is she sick. No. No we can't be related.

I struggled to think of another reason the Malfoy crest would be inside her locket. Maybe it was a weird coincidence where her family crest looked very similar to mine. No way, ours had a huge M, she was thia Laurier, well athena Laurier. My mind keep spiralling. I didn't understand.

I heard the door click. Fuck. I stashed the locket in my pocket and tried to act natural. "Draco" Athena said surprised. I saw her eyes look down at the empty bedside table. And then back up at me. "What are you doing here?" She questioned. "Why weren't you in potions?" I questioned back. "I don't see why that's your concern malfoy" she said. The tone of her voice was different. Typically when she was rude to me it was in an infectiously sweet, sarcastic voice. Now her voice was flat, monotone and bored. Her eyes looked into mine. Blank.

"No need to be so defensive" I spat back at her. She walked towards me, slowly, precisely. She stopped when she was standing directly in front of me. I towered over her yet I still felt as though she was looking down on me. Anger filled me. Nobody looks down on me, nobody looks down on a Malfoy. She said nothing but her hand slipped inside my pocket and pulled out her necklace. I swallowed. She lifted it to her neck and clasped it around her. "You can leave now draco" she spoke in the same flat voice I grew to dislike.

"No" I said. Stepping slightly back from her. "Why the hel" I began before she cut me off. "Leave Draco" she said this time louder. I was beyond anger now. Who does she think she is. Trying to boss me around. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I shouted back at her. Her eyes gazed up at me. She pulled her wand out from her robe. I laughed. "What you gonna do huh" I joked. "If you won't leave, I will" she said. And with that she apperated out of the room.

I wanted to forget about her. I stormed out of the common room to find somebody to distract me from whatever the fuck was going on with Athena Laurier. I wasn't sure her name, it didn't matter to me. I found a okay looking Hufflepuff in the year below. Without sounding pretentious most girls in the school would come back with me if I asked, she was the first I saw. I'm unsure if it's my looks or my money that does it, what do I care.

I pulled her into the dormitory and up to my room. Passing Lorenzo and Blaise on the way. This distraction wasn't working like I had hoped it would, all I could think about was thia and Enzo and the locket and most annoyingly how good thia looked.

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