Chaptet 16

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I had heard the shouting coming from Athena's room. Most of what was being said was indistinguishable except from the last thing she said. I clearly heard thias voice scream-cry "enough fucking leave."

For whatever reason I found myself leaving my room and heading to thias. I opened the door and crept in to find Athena collapsed on her bed sobbing. Her posture was nothing like how it usually looks. Regularly thia was confident proud and stood tall, right now she looked like an insect that had been stepped on. I walked over to her bed and lay down next to her.

She was on her side so I lay on my side to, her back pressed up against my chest, spooning fashion. I wrapped my arms around her small broken body and didn't say a word. I just let her cry until she fell asleep. At some point I must have drifted asleep myself.

When I woke up Athena was no longer tangled in my arms. Disappointment washed over me. I looked around the room but she wasn't there. I stood up and walked back to my room where I got ready, dressing in a black shirt and black trousers. I sprayed my aftershave and stared in the mirror. I was trying not to think about it but what the hell was Athena shouting about last night. I wanted to know so badly.

I made my way down to breakfast to find thia sat at the slitherin table next to Lorenzo, he had his arm slung playfully around her shoulders and they were laughing about god knows what. I felt my jaw clench seeing them sat like that. "What a happy couple" I said eyeing thia as I sat down across from then. She avoided my eye contact. "Shut up man" Lorenzo laughed dropping his arm from her body. Good.

We all sat and ate and talked until it was time for our first class. Potions. Athena walked ahead of me at an increased pace obviously to try and avoid me. When we got to class she sat on the opposite side of the classroom next to bloody hufflepuff Cedric diggory, I rolled my eyes. Any guy in this school would want to get with Athena. Something about her was just addicting. I had of course heard the comments that guys had made about her body. It made my blood boil now.

The entire class I failed to pay attention instead my gaze was fixed on thia who watched snape with eyes where I couldn't quite tell if she was paying great attention or none at all. Her hair was not worn up today and instead was cascading down her back. She was wearing her robes hiding the skirt and blouse outfit I prefer to see her in. Every once in a smile I would catch Cedric looking to the side to glance at thia also I can only presume to take in her great beauty also.

Since arriving at potions I have done nothing but daydream, since my conversation or rather I should say fight with Enzo I haven't been able to get septimus out of my head.

We lay in bed together my head rested on septimus's chest his arms wrapped around my body. "Athena this is perfect." He began to speak. "Why won't you take my hand in marriage, I long to start a family with you" he finished. I gulped. "Septimus i... I haven't known how to tell you this, I suppose it's one of the reasons why I feel the need for us to wait. Dear I am.. unable to conceive any children. I said my hands uncontrollably fidgeting with his. It was true I supposed, I am unable to have children. "Oh Athena" he said kissing the side of my head. "Then we will have no children, just me and you, that's all I need. I love you so greatly." Septimus said reassuringly.

God I couldn't keep lying to the man I love. I couldn't stay with him while his body aged and mine remained perfectly youthful and not explain why. "Septimus, I need to tell you something, rather important." I said slightly nervous to reveal my secret but not showing it. I told him about my being vampire and although he was surprised and in disbelief he promised to love me regardless. I explained to him what the meant, everything from eternal life to complustion. I gave him back his memories of times that I had needed to feed on him but had made him forget. He kissed me. "Athena turn me into a vampire I beg" he said to me.

"Absolutely never septimus, you do not deserve such a fate!" I replied quickly. "My love we would be together forever. There is no better way to spend eternity in my eyes!" He answered lovingly. "Septimus I love you to dearly to ever infect you with this curse" I said lowly.

For the next 2 years me and septimus had been happy, beyond happy in deep love. He spoke often of marriage and often of me turning him into a vampire. Everytime I would refuse to turn him.

One morning septimus and I had just come down the stairs to see Enzo, his face more angry than I had ever seen it. His hands clamped together almost shaking with furiousness. His jaw was clenched. Septimus stepped in front of me to protect me from this stranger. He didn't know it was him who needed protection. "Who are you?" Septimus shouted. "I'm here for your lovely lady" Enzo replied. "Enzo what are you doing here?" I spoke up. Septimus seemed surprised that I knew the man that had broken into his manor.

He had finally found me. I knew it was bound to happen, Enzo would interrupt my new perfect life somehow. "Athena I'd like a word" Enzo cooed. Septimus tried to stop me defensively when I began to walk down the stairs towards Enzo but I reassured him it was alright. Enzo and I went into the dining room whilst septimus remained presumably on the stairs.

"What are you doing Athena" Enzo whisper shouted in an attempt to stop septimus from hearing. "No Enzo what are you doing" I said back. "Are you seriously living here, in love with a human" he said with a certain disgust. "You fell in love with a human to enzo" I snapped back. "Indeed I did, and then I turned you. But you're not planning on turning him are you doll. You would have done it by now if you were going to." Enzo said. "I would never turn him your right" I replied. "Then what the hell are you doing. Are you planning on just staying with him until he's an old wrinkly sack on deaths door while you still look like this?" Enzo spat. He was right I suppose, I hadn't planned long term what I was going to do. I remained silent.

"Human and vampire relationships don't work Athena, you've got to turn them or leave them. Your being selfish letting that man waste his years with a woman who cannot stay." Enzo spoke. I knew that everything he was saying was the truth but it hurt to hear. "I will leave. But not with you" I said my voice defeated a tear slipping from my eye. It hurt so much to have to leave septimus.

I left the room with Enzo and walked back towards septimus, I lead him towards his bedroom. He sat down on the couch adjacent to his bed. "Septimus my love, I have to leave." I said choked with emotions. Tears slipping from my face. "Please no Athena, turn me I beg of you" he replied. I wondered if he had managed to hear mine and Enzos conversation. I shook my head no. "I love you too much, but this cannot work, I'm sorry for how selfish I've been" I said my hands tangling with his.

Septimus begged for me to turn him but I couldn't, tears were forming in his eyes, it was breaking my heart. I looked into his eyes "septimus, I love you so much, but you will forget I exist, you will forget the last 3 years we have spent together. You will forget you loved me" I whispered almost unable to talk my throat closing. "You will believe that the last 3 years you have spent in a usual way, going to the cafe by the river, reading great literature, going on walks by your self. I want you to find another love and have the children that you wanted. Goodbye septimus"

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