10: Dancing with a Stranger

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Despite all that happened, Victoria couldn't help but continue her routine. Her routine of waking up at six every morning–and she now took the shortcut, no longer needing to go the extra mile. Since the Halloween party, she's been out of her room more–to mingle in the Quad.

She sat at the breakfast table, feeding Gomi her eggs as no one noticed her appetite. Yoko was explaining what else had happened at Ajax's party–while Wednesday was absent with Eugene.

"You slow danced with some ghostface to a rap song!" Yoko laughed.

"Did I?" Victoria exclaimed, unsure whether it was Tyler or not. But she liked to think of it.

"Yes!" Enid exclaimed. "I took tons of videos and photos for us!"

She pulled out her phone, pulling up the latest blog of the party. There were pictures and videos of Enid and Ajax crossing arms and staring at the camera as they hopped around the fireplace, her skates thrown aside. Victoria was dancing with one of the mummies, their rags strapped over her waist as they laughed. A picture showed Enid and Victoria dancing with a fallen scarecrow.

"Definitely the best Halloween party in history, thanks to you," Ajax said when he overheard, nudging Victoria's shoulder and a hand on Enid's as he walked by. Enid's eyes sparkled as she watched him.

A familiar person caught Victoria's eyes when he walked past their table. Xavier.

"Is he still mad that you dipped at the party?" Enid asked Victoria as their eyes followed him out the Quad.

"I'm pretty sure," Victoria said hesitantly.

She had yet to tell Enid that Tyler was in her room when she left the party. Wednesday hadn't said a word and she knew because Enid would probably be writing clues onto her blog. She knew Enid would never give out her name like that.

"Well, you can always make it up to him," Enid said with a grin. "The Rave'N is coming up soon so you better take your chance while you have it."

"The Rave'N?"

"The only thing more fun than the Poe Cup," Yoko said, filling Victoria in as Gomi went over to clear her plate.

Enid nodded excitedly. "The dance is only a few days away! It's just a formal the school and it's so super fun!"

Victoria grinned. "Yeah, I'll find out for myself when I ask Xavier."

So she spent the next few hours contemplating on how to ask Xavier to the dance, even though it may have seemed to be "out of the norm" for a girl to ask a guy on a date, she didn't mind. After all, it was a school full of outcasts and not normies.

With a plan to go to the dance, that also meant she had to go shopping for a dress. Enid and her excitedly looked through the little shops of Jericho two days before the dance after classes had ended. They'd even tried looking at the thrift store Xavier and her had gone to.

"If I'd known about this dance earlier, I definitely would have just ordered from Diagon Alley," Victoria said with a sigh as she and Enid skimmed through the dresses.

She was feeling rather indecisive, as every dress she picked out was beautiful, but she wasn't sure if it was beautiful on her. Enid would complain to her and say, "The theme coordinates to white, don't forget."

"The only time I'm going to wear a white dress is at my wedding," Victoria grinned. "I'll probably go for a pale blue or something..."

Enid sighed. "That works too, I guess. Oh, look at this one!"

Their afternoon was a well-spent one as Enid had already chosen her perfect dress. Victoria had as well as they entered the Weathervane for a break before heading back to the school.

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