11: Pillow Thoughts

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"For the last time, I didn't do it!" Victoria exclaimed through the bars of the sheriff's station.

After she'd removed the tube, she realized she had forgotten to turn off the truck first–which was the main source. But at that point, the sheriff had arrived on time to make her look suspicious enough to detain–Which she assumed his quick reaction was from being nearby after suspecting Nevermore for the "animal attacks."

"Sorry, Miss Halliwell, but you're still going to be detained under suspicious activity," Sheriff Galpin said. "And for tampering with evidence at the vandalized crime scene."

She sighed as he disappeared, making her way to sit down on the long bench against the wall. It was about two in the morning and she was still soaked from head to toe with fake blood on her once beautiful dress. At least they allowed her to wash her face a few minutes before getting into the cell. But when she walked in, even one of the officers questioned about allowing such attire on a detainee.

She, herself, wondered who could have done it. Perhaps Bianca or Blaise? But they wouldn't rain on their own parade. It had to have been someone not from Nevermore. Could it possibly be Tyler?

But it didn't make sense to her.

Until she remembered Lucas Walker. The mayor's son.

"Wait, sheriff!" she exclaimed. "I think I know who did it."

"Listen, kid, I know you like to play detective, but let the real ones handle it for now," Sheriff Galpin said, not paying any mind. "I've got other things to worry about and definitely didn't need this tonight."

"You mean like the 'animal' attacks?" Victoria asked.

He eyed her before ignoring her and leaving to go to his office. Something wasn't right.

She was tired and cold. She imagined Weems was too busy trying to figure out who the culprit was, herself, and hadn't paid any mind when Victoria was quietly being detained. It seemed like everyone was having too much of a blast and an unforgettable night to remember she was a part of it as her phone sat on a desk a few feet away from her without a ring.

"Are my parents going to be notified?" Victoria asked Sheriff Galpin once he returned.

"Technically, your forms say that you're of age even though you're only seventeen," Sheriff Galpin said, reading her information. "But you're not getting arrested. I can only detain you for twenty-four hours if I see no foul play involved. So to answer your question, it's up to you if you want them to be contacted."

"No contact," Victoria said immediately.

Sheriff Galpin nodded as someone entered the station abruptly, breaking the silence.

"Dad, I heard someone got-" Tyler paused when he saw Victoria behind the bars in a redden state of fake blood and still in her dance dress. "Victoria? What- Dad, what's going on?"

Tyler was already changed and washed into more comfortable clothes of dark jeans and a brown sweater. He was surprised to see her behind the bars in the cold station, as he had seen her only a couple of hours before–confusing him.

"She's being detained under suspicious activity and for potential tampering of evidence," his dad said calmly. "Now listen, son, it's two in the morning so why don't you-"

"This is ridiculous!" Tyler exclaimed. "She spent the entire evening in my sight, there's no way she'd be able to pull that off."

"Well there's a thing called accomplices, Tyler. She's only here until we get to the bottom of this."

I Wanna Be Yours : Tyler GalpinWhere stories live. Discover now