15: Secrets I have Held in My Heart

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It was a blurry awakening as her eyes adjusted to her surroundings. Warm lighting as light rain fell... she could smell Tyler's coffee scent. She thought perhaps she was in Heaven.

Her eyes adjusted and she found herself in Tyler's room.

She was right.

Victoria sat up from Tyler's bed. It was starting to become a habit, ending up in Tyler's room. Though she didn't complain about it, she didn't know what to think of it now. Now that he may potentially be the monster that had been killing people of Jericho. Even the late mayor.

She picked up her phone to check the time, accidentally bumping his camera off the nightstand and onto the carpeted floor. It'd only been an hour since she saw Xavier.

She tried to pick up her recent memories, trying to remember how she ended up in Tyler's room. She knew she had anticipated making her way to his house, but just like that? It didn't make sense.

Then she remembered the blue Cadillac. Its headlights nearing her at full speed when a large, blunt figure pushed her out of the way.

There was no way that was human.

She felt her knees grow weak as she recollected the memory of seeing Rowan's wallet in his closet. She had to find out. Even if she refused to believe it.

Tip toeing her way into his closet, she ruffled through the same pile of clothes she saw it last. But it was gone.

"If it's gone, that means it's got to be his wallet," Victoria thought hopefully.

She turned back, frightened by Tyler's sudden presence on the other side of the closet door. He had a raised brow and crossed arms as he leaned against the closet door frame.

"Looking for something?" he asked.

She had the feeling he was onto her, but she couldn't find herself to fear him as she thought she would. Seeing his face only made her remember their kiss. And to avoid his questioning, that was the only thing she could say to get his mind off her snooping behavior.

"Yeah, actually," she said, trying to hint sarcasm. "I'm looking for my pride back."

"Hm. What happened to it?" he asked with a grin.

Victoria crossed her arms. "I left it in your room. After we kissed."

Tyler's behavior seemed to have changed as he nodded with a smirk on his face. A smirk that she'd never seen before, as it was very smug and proud. She could've almost thought he took her pride.

She then noticed he was still very dressed for the late timing. He was not in sleeping or work attire. As a matter of fact, he looked very nice and well put together.

It then struck her. She stepped back, putting two and two together.

Tyler saw her expression change as he changed his as well, now concerned. But she couldn't tell if he was concerned about her or himself.

"What's the matter?" he asked as she made her way past him.

She reached for his door handle, but he shut it on her with a light slam. She prayed that they weren't home alone but from the driveway, she only saw one car. Tyler's car.

She met his eyes again, but this time they were less concerned and more scared for some reason. He looked as scared as she did when she stepped away from him, cornering herself near his bed calmly.

"You were Wednesday's date," Victoria stated disappointingly.

Second once again.

Tyler didn't answer right away. "It's not what you think-"

I Wanna Be Yours : Tyler GalpinWhere stories live. Discover now