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In shadows deep, the mind does dwell,

Where darkness reigns, a silent hell.

They say to speak, to let it out,

But words can't quench the soul's dire drought.

How does one offer up their pain,

To strangers, hoping they'll refrain

From judgment's sting, from callous eyes,

That only see through veils of lies?

To hand over a fractured mind,

A feast for those who seek to find

The source of anguish, buried deep,

Within the soul, where secrets keep.

But as they prod and poke and stare,

The wounds bleed out, beyond repair.

The darkness spills, a crimson flood,

Yet understanding's lost in mud.

For how can one, with words alone,

Explain the depth of pain unknown?

To those who've never felt the knife,

Carve paths of sorrow in their life.

So here we stand, with shattered hearts,

And broken minds torn apart.

For solace found in crimson streams,

Is but a fleeting, hollow dream.

ONE SHOTS - to the moon and backWhere stories live. Discover now