Basketball tattoo

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The one thing I found I liked in my adult life that inspired this tattoo that I was going to get after a few cracks at the psychiatrist was the idea of a basketball and a nature scene inside the basketball, as if it was trying to be clear or transparent that being says very interesting to see the tattoo as it is now when it comes to life I'll be very excited about it it's a scale tattoo where everything is lack and white and very interesting the idea that I want black-and-white or greyscale tattoo is very interesting for me because usually I want a little bit of colour in my tattoo but this case this is different this is something I want to be interested in a fun and fun to pay for not have to afford over thousands of dollars let's put it that way I say but really it's just a pain in the ass to pay for a colour!
That being said, why did I choose? Basketball was one thing especially when I have mentioned that one of the triggers is my boyfriend ex well, I have nothing against the game itself. The game is fun and I made some friends while playing this game. That's why I wanna commemorate that basketball not because of the triggers like my boyfriend's ex , or anything for that matter that is negative. I just did a basketball, and what is a very healing thing and as well as another healing thing nature as well very interesting indeed that I came across this idea and wanted to go about it. The idea came to me when I was taking pictures of nature scenery and that's what got me the idea that I should do this. It was very interesting. I've been shopping around in my head for ideas for tattoos, but this one sticks mostly with me because I said I like basketball as in the game and the friends I may have made, their lifelong or not I don't know but they are good friends to have one friend. I remember had help me the other week when I could not hope didn't have the mental capacity to understand that my boyfriend was just tired and I was kind of in a hot mess, and he was able to get me out of it, as well as the worker as well. That being said is very interesting to see the friendship you created while playing a game that being said it is no different when I play chōhan, with my friends at the Groupon and seeing the smiles on everyone's faces. It's kind of what it is in the first place and it's very enjoyable to see the smiles on everyone else's face. That's why I end up getting a basketball tattoo that has a nature seen in it I can show you what it looks like but it kind of, hard to look at you'd have to look at my bluesky app. The actual tattoo that being said on my my blue sky address information at this time I still don't want to get scammed. That being said is very interesting to see where the idea of tattoo comes from something that you've had bittersweet experiences with as well as sweet experiences, like nature and enjoying life.
I had to do something because it was very interesting. I don't know how much money I have for this tattoo. I'm probably getting I'm low in because I haven't seen a sent come near me except for Amazon gift card that will be stopping soon. When I find out that certain things are going a little bit better and I'm getting a better medication check and stuff like that that being said it's very important to work on your mental health before you do anything else I find that more important for me right now is what is equal for the tattoo because the tattoo was invented by my ancestors that being said as an old man that people do these days that are now just for fun the manic ritual of tattooing has been something that has been around since the last day, if not more older than that so again my ancestor, so that being said is very interesting that I have been down one time with a vision when I was basically 15 years old to decorate myself I see fit and something good would be of revelation or something good that would be worth revealing will come to me later on in life that being said, I always like good things so assume that the ancestor was right and it was the ancestor was right I have a revelation of what I must do in life that being said, I have mentioned that I may have to be an airport security because I kept seeing the colour green. That was what was my interpretation and it was very interesting too, go about that and say well that's what I am on this planet to do in the first place cause I'm not much of a healer or someone that does healthcare work as that to me is for the birds in my opinion no offence to anyone who is in that, but I find that is important to provide security, or the healthcare people will be overwhelmed to an extent as important to have airport security. That's why the colour green was around me all the time it wasn't because I was meant to be a healer. I can only heal myself, but anyways, that being said, I think I'm on the right path as far as my health is concerned I'm also seeing the colour green which is the colour of healing, and that was the journey I went through that being said it was very interesting to see where the sound will take you and take your squirrel or brain or whatever you wanna call it to the next level I found I wasn't expecting very much but I got a lot in. Return not very much. Have a good time!

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