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Dear Readers, 

I wanted to announce that I officially self-published my first novel and it's available to purchase on Amazon! It's called, 'A Moment That Sparked Infinity'. 

Please note that this book will not be under my Wattpad and Quotev username, StarlitViolix. It will be under my official Author name: Dannica Mae Howell. 

First off, I'm so grateful for the never-ending support and joy that I received from, 'Ignite to the Shattered Pieces', 'Come Back Home', and other fanfiction stories I wrote on Wattpad and Quotev. It seriously makes me so happy to know you are all enjoying these stories!

And because I'm so grateful for your support, I thought I owed it to all my readers to be transparent in the choice I made that caused a change of course of my writing and to come out with my true identity behind StarlitViolix. This is why I haven't been able to write another fanfic in so long. In recent years, I have been serious about self-publishing, and it's been a great experience. At times, it can be quite a challenge, and I still have a lot to learn, but personally, I feel like it's worth it. I'm sorry it took a while to announce this as a lot has happened. 

I want to come out and say that I have grown my faith in God and had an epiphany in writing, shortly after 2022. I fully gave my life to Christ and I have grown spiritually. I feel fulfilled and more at peace with trying my best to do God's will for my life since I've made this choice. 

Because of where I am with my faith, I decided I wanted to write stories that help readers catch a glimpse of the love that God has for us. To help spread the gospel in this way, and to have characters that tie back to what amazing things God can do for us. I thought, why not have God involved in a love story? A fantasy? An action-adventure? A sci-fi? Where characters seek Him in times of trouble and want to know more about Him, in general? Or why not write about Christian Symbolism like Lord of The Rings and Narnia?

I understand not all my readers will agree to this change, or may not really care. But I thought I would give it a shot to be honest with my readers, and see if anyone is open to reading the stories I write about now. 

My first published novel, 'A Moment That Sparked Infinity', is a Christian-Romance-Sc-fi. The link to its plot is here:


Since I've become serious about self-publishing, I'm not sure if I will be able to have the time to write fanfiction again on here or on Quotev. But please know that I am always writing! If you want to continue to read my work and be a part of my writing journey, feel free to follow me on Amazon Author Central, and Tiktok! I also published another book that comprised of Christmas Short Love Stories. I know it's not relevant to the current season haha but here is the link to that below as well if you want to check it out! 


Here is a quick bio of me from Amazon Author Central!

Dannica Mae Howell is a Christian fiction author. She wants to continue writing fiction that helps spread the gospel and to write stories that emphasize God's love for us. She loves to incorporate romance, action, and adventure in her storytelling. She also loves, singing, making music, and graphic/interior designing. Since the age of ten, she has enjoyed writing poetry, songs, and fan-fiction. She also co-owns a handyman business with her husband and actively sings for her church. 

My Tiktok username is : _dannicamaehowell

Thanks so much again for everything guys! God bless you all<3

Ignite to the Shattered Pieces (Tom Holland fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now