Am I the colour blue, of the clear skies and calm seas?
Or a bright yellow of the sun, a symbol of a new day,
That warm fuzzy feeling inside?
Am I an Emerald Green, elegant and beautiful with a bit of class?
The kind that royalty would wear...
Or am I a murky green, the kind In the swamps
A mixture of everything icky, never really seeing what's beneath the surface..
What colour am I?
Is it black or grey?
The darkness or the dull?
The gathering of all things negative into a space,
An elegance only mastered from countless of tears and the sadness inside?
Or the unattchament to reality not really a colour so to speak?
Maybe I am a pink, the softer kind that blends into the colours of the sunset
The kind that says I am a woman and I want to be accepetd
The shade of pink that reaches out to love first because I want to be loved back
Maybe I am a lonely pink, if there is such a thing
The kind that is all things good, cute and fuzzy and that is all I'll ever be known for...
From The Inside
PoetryA collection of a few, simple poems that i started writing a few years ago and some recent ones as well. "From The Inside ," is about my life stories and experiences in poetry form and what takes places inside my heart and mind.