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A question of how to start again when life keeps throwing us down multiple times...

Start Again???

When life comes along throwing stones at us
When things don't go the way we planned.
When everything we do turns into a whirlwind.
When all hope is lost, and life is just gone.
How do we start again?

When all we do is cry and complain
When nothing seems to matter anymore
When our lives just start turning upside down
When all that seems right to do is give up
How do we start again?

Why is it that when we try it never seems to work?
That when we labour in our efforts it never seems to help?
It's like slaving away for eternity with the enmities.
Just a moment longer?
I can't seem to go any further!

How do we start again when all we ever do is fail
How do we start again when pain always seems to leave a trail?
When all we ever do is in vain
How do we start again?

Author's note

Hey there!!😊
I hoped you enjoyed the poem.
I wrote this poem at a point in my teenage life when a lot of things were coming at me all at once. I was failing to grasp the concept of life and why it seems so difficult to be me.
At this point i had a lot of questions and no one to answer them so you can see why that could be really frustrating 😏

At this point i really wanted to do good in life. With school, friendships, family, my faith but none of these things were working out and it felt like i was constantly being dragged to the starting point.

Will there be a light at the end of the tunnel for this frustrated teenage girl??🤔

Let's wait and see...

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