Zucchini Tussle

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Chapter 21
Meanwhile on Morte Bonnie is laying in a crater in the ground covered in a pool of blood while both her arms are torn off, She's barely conscious while she stares into the sky

Bonnie - "..........what..happened..."

Hours earlier, Bonnie's single handedly restraining Neuewelt as her wires stretch out as she can feel the physical force of the ship pulling against her arm, She continues to push against the pressure, Bonnie endures the pain while blood drips down from her tight grip

Bonnie's internal voice - "....this pain is unimaginable.....hurts like hell......but I need to keep that giant pinball from taking off"

Bonnie continues pulling against the ship and continues keeping Neuewelt from escaping, She looks to her right as one by one slowly the wires are slowly picked from out of the ground

Bonnie - "Wait! No!"

Bonnie tightens her grip on the wires as the blood starts gushing with it forming a trail down her arms, She clenches her teeth disregarding the pain

Bonnie - "........I.........need.....to......hang.......just a little longer......I can't let them take Gage......even if it kills me I'll never let go..."

Bonnie continues to hang on while she feels the pressure pull against both her arms as without warning she hears a snapping sound, She feels her body falling down towards the ground as she feels the whole world slowing down, her ears begin ringing while she plummets faster and faster towards the ground, Bonnie's eyes widen while she thinks to herself with a small smile on her face

Bonnie's internal voice - "So this is it for me I guess.....falling to my death then what did I expect......at least Tony got inside hopefully he can save Gage.......it sucks táim not going to be able to watch him grow up......Tony will have to watch over him now......"

Suddenly a bright light shines brights while a white translucent androgynous being jumps in the air and holds Bonnie in its arms, It lands on its feet causing a huge crater as after it places her body in the crater on the ground, it immediately dissolves leaving Bonnie confused at what just happened, Hours past with Bonnie staring at the sky in the present moment with her beginning to hear a faint sound

Bonnie - ".........what?......."

A spiraling wormhole begins to form in the sky above Bonnie as Zucchini abruptly begins falling at a high speed towards Bonnie with Tsurugi latches onto the hilt of his Katana that's planted into Zucchinis torso, Jesse clings onto Zucchinis fist as she pulls her swords blade out from the back of his hand, Jesse looks down and sees Bonnie laying on the ground down below as she yells over to Tsurugi

Jesse - "Oi Tsurugi!"
Tsurugi - "What!?"
Jesse - "We need to watch out. The Lucky Leprechaun is below us!"
Tsurugi - "Fuck!"

Tsurugi in a instant pulls out his Katana from Zucchinis torso then he elbows Zucchini in the neck followed a kick to the face that sends him flying in a different direction, Tsurugi then grabs Jesse and lands on his feet as Jesse looks around at the gloomy atmosphere

Jesse - "Where are we?"
Tsurugi - "Looks like Morte"

Tsurugi slowly walks towards Bonnie as he knees down as he examines her injuries

Bonnie - "......where are they......."

Tsurugi jumps back in surprise as he looks at Bonnie

Tsurugi - "You're alive!?"
Bonnie - "....for now.....where is Tony?...."
Tsurugi - "He's still inside Neuewelt with the kid"
Bonnie - "........i...see......"
Tsurugi - "Here let me give you a hand"
Bonnie - "......"
Tsurugi - "......"
Bonnie - "....I'd..rather just lay here and die.....after hearing that......"
Tsurugi - "I just noticed okay!, I'm dealing with a lot at the moment!"

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