Chapter 3 - Jolene

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I've been really excited to start college.
About halfway through high school I really started to come out of my shell. I had lost a ton of weight. I may not have lost it in a healthy way... but I lost it. It's still something I struggle with.

My mom and stepdad drove me out to Michigan today to get myself moved into my dorm.

I gained a really good relationship with my mom and stepdad after I moved in with them.

My mom is a hairstylist.
My stepdad is a police officer.
I was so grateful for them. It finally felt like I had a happy family.
I was happy my mom had finally found someone who treats her right.
He treated me great too. He didn't have any kids himself, but he always treated me like one of his own.

Once we got to the right dorm they both helped me unpack my things.

"I can't believe my baby is going off to college." My mom said with tears in her eyes.

I laughed and gave her a hug.
"It's okay mom, I'll call you all the time and I'll be home for thanksgiving in no time."

My stepdad started to chime in.
"Alright, do you have everything? Your meds? Laptop? Pepper spray?"

I laughed.
He had always been very protective of me.

"Yep! Check, check and check."

We all just sat in silence for a while, just taking in the moment since this would be the last time we'd see each other for a while.

"Well honey, we'll let you get all settled in. Call us if you need absolutely anything."

My mom said while giving me the tightest hug known to man.

My stepdad joined in the hug.

They had left and I just sat on my bed.

I knew I had a roommate. It looks like she got here before me. Her stuff was already set up, she must just be out right now.

I looked at the decorations she had up.

She had a few posters.
One of Lana del Rey.
Another of Cage the Elephant.
Another one of tame Impala.
The one that really caught my attention was the big one of Dolly Parton.
I laughed. What are the odds?

As I got the rest of my stuff unpacked I heard the door open.

I jumped from the loud noise

"Oh my god I'm so sorry, I just wasn't expecting you to be here, but I'm happy you are! It was getting pretty lonely being in here by myself. I'm Amanda... wow you're really pretty." She said while getting a little too close for comfort, pretty much inspecting me.

I laughed.
"It's nice to meet you. I'm Jolene"
I went in for a handshake but instead she just grabbed me and gave me a tight hug.

"You have such a cool name! It's like the Dolly Parton song. I love her. She's such an icon."

I smiled.
"You and my mom would get along great. I think we'll get along great too."

A big smile grew on her face.

We spent the next few days getting to know each other.
We walked around the campus exploring and finding out where everything was.
She was really great.
I'm really happy I had her as my roommate. It literally felt like fate.

She'd talk to me about her boy problems a lot.
I didn't mind. I love girly talk to be honest.
I never really had that as a kid. It helped me feel normal.

Apparently she started really liking this guy from the schools hockey team named Chase. They started hanging out a lot. I was happy for her. It seemed like he made her really happy.

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