Chapter 9 - Jackson

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Jackson POV

A few days have gone by since me and Jolene have become friends again. I haven't seen her since she ran out of my apartment. I know I'm going to see her today, since we both have our creative writing class together.

I took a quick shower and threw on a t-shirt and some sweatpants.
I arrived to class a little late. I searched around the room for an empty seat since most of the seats were taken already. As I was glancing around searching for an open seat, my eyes landed on Jo. She was sitting in the back of the class wearing a baggy pair of jeans and a tight top that hugged her figure. Damn. Why'd she have to look so good? What am I saying? She always looks good. She doesn't even have to try.

I would have sat by her, but all of the seats around her were taken... by other guys. Why does that make me so agitated?

I sat down in an empty seat next to a girl I didn't know. I found my seat at the perfect time because the moment I sat down the professor walked in and began to speak.

"Alright guys, I'm going to dive straight in today and talk about the project I'm going to be assigning you. Keep in mind, this project is to be taken very seriously. It will count at 20% of your final grade for the semester. For this project, you will all be volunteering at the place where I assign you and your partner. Oh! Right! I forgot to mention that this is indeed a partner project. After volunteering, you and your partner will write an essay about your experience. You will need to also include pictures to turn in as well, to prove that you actually did the assignment. Without further ado, Go find your partners, you will be picking your own partner. At the end of class you and your partner will come up and pick a piece of paper out of the hat. Written on that piece of paper is the name of the place you will be volunteering at. Get started."

Immediately at least 5 girls started making their way towards me like a pack of wolves ready to pounce on their prey.

I'd much rather work on this project with Jo than any of these girls. I looked back to her and saw a guy talking to her, I assume about the project. Before I could even think, my body started moving on its own. Now it was like I was the wolf pouncing on its prey.

When I made my way over to her the guy talking to her was indeed asking her if she wanted to be partners with him.

As she began responding, I quickly interjected. "Actually, she's my partner."

The guy then looked at me. He actually looked a little scared. Can't blame him, I was half a foot taller than him and gave him a pretty cold stare.

"R-right man sorry." he stuttered, while walking away.

Jolene looked at me with furrowed brows. "What was that all about?"

"Uh, I know that guy, he's a total creep. Consider yourself lucky I stepped in,"

That was a complete lie. I've never met that guy, nor do I know anything about him. I just wanted to be partners with her.

" So youre my partner now huh?" she asked with a smile.
Damn. That smile. I couldn't say no to it back then and I can't say no to it now.

"Yup. Guess you're stuck with me Parker."

"We should probably head to the front and find out where we'll be volunteering. If it's an old folks home I'm dropping out. There's no way I'm changing some old geezers bedpan."

I laughed. " Yeah, I'm sure that would make a good picture for the project. In Fact it would make such a good picture, I'd make it my phone background."

She gave me a stern look "You Jackass. You wouldn't."

"Now you're making me want to do it even more. Maybe I'll take the picture and customize a tapestry with that picture on it. Oh! I'll make posters! Ill ma-"

Before I could keep going she smacked my arm.

"Careful Walker, maybe I'll get a good picture of you giving an old lady a sponge bath. I like that Tapestry idea. Maybe I'll hold the tapestry of you giving some old geezer a sponge bath at all of your hockey games. I'll be in the front row parading that tapestry loud and proud."

"Well played Parker."

We both headed up to the front. When it was our turn to pick a paper out of the hat, I silently prayed that it wasn't an old folks home.

Jo picked a piece of paper and opened it. We both looked and a sigh of relief came from both of our throats.

"Sunny Side Daycare."

"Better than an old folks home" she said.
I chuckled. "Looks like I'm not getting that picture after all." I said with my hand on my heart pretending to be upset."
She giggled.
It is the best feeling in the world when I know I made her laugh.

The rest of class we discussed all of the details of the project and our plan. We decided to start volunteering 3 days from now.

It felt good to be around her again. She's kind of like a drug. She makes me feel so good around her. I went without her for a long time. I forgot that euphoric feeling of being in her presence. Now that she's back in my life, it feels like I can't let her go.

This project should be interesting.

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