Chapter 11 - Jackson

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Jackson POV

   It's been a day since Jo and I's first day volunteering at the daycare.

   There have been times in the past where I've felt like I had "butterflies" in my stomach as people would  say. With Jo it's something different. It's more intense. It doesn't feel like there's butterflies in my stomach, it's more like I have a swarm of Bees in there. It's similar to that feeling you get when you get off a roller coaster and feel your whole body buzzing from the adrenaline rush. How can a person give you that same feeling?

Ever since Jo and I reunited at that party, I haven't been able to stop thinking about her. Now I find myself taking every opportunity I can to be around her.

Oh my God. Why am I even thinking about this? Were. Just. Friends. Nothing more. There's no reason I shouldn't be satisfied with that. I should consider myself lucky she even wants to be friends again, so why does it not feel like it's not enough?

I mentally smack myself.

Even if I did want something more, I can't act on it. I'm still not even sure what these feelings mean and I've lost Jo before because of my own stupidity. I'm not going to screw up this one in a million chance of her being in my life again just because I have fricken bees in my stomach.

It's strange. I've always been a guy who knows what he wants and isn't afraid to act on it.

Jolene Parker, you have truly rattled me.

I'm kind of thankful Dina walked in on Jo and I yesterday. If she hadn't, I might have done something I'd regret. I could have majorly screwed things up again. The last thing I want is for things to be awkward and we stop talking to each other.

On top of it all, there's no way Jo has any feelings like that for me, not after the way I betrayed her when we were younger.

I have Hockey Practice in an hour. We have a game coming up this Friday, so I really have to be on top of my game. Even though I'm new to the team, I've seem to have grown a decent fanbase around the school. It feels like I have a reputation to hold up. Before coming here, I had only felt that kind of pressure from my father but now I'm feeling it from him, my teammates, fans, recruiters, etc.

  I'm actually kind of thankful for this project me and Jo have to complete for our writing class because for one, I get to see her more often, and two, It's the only thing that gets my mind off of Hockey.

Me and Chase always head to practice together since we share a dorm. I'm typically the one who drives. It's not that Chase is a bad driver, actually In any situation in a group where someone has to drive, I'm always the one to volunteer. I like to be in control of things, I don't like leaving things that could affect me, in someone else's hands. Am I a control freak? Maybe. Do I have trust issues? Probably. Who knows?

Once me and Chase got to practice, we quickly got our equipment ready and got changed into our Hockey attire.

By the time we were done practice was about to start and most of the team was already on the rink.

Practice went like usual, just some typical practice drills and pep talks from the coach. Nothing special. Soon enough practice was over.

We all got in the locker room to change. As I was putting on my shirt I could've sworn I heard someone say Jolene's name from the other side of the lockers I was on. I swear... I'm losing it. Now I'm hearing things.

I continued to put on my shoes, but then I heard it again. Her name.
I listen a little closer. I can tell who's voice it is. I don't know him that well. He's a few years older than I am. He's talking to this other guy on the team who's the same age as him. They're always around each other during practice.

"Dude, I'd give my left leg to hit that just once." the guy says.

I don't want to believe they're talking about Jo, but deep down I know they are.. I don't even think she realizes that practically every guy in the school stares at her like she's a piece of meat. She's kind of always been off in her own world.

His friend responds. "Tell me about it. If I ever slept with her i'd wear a fucking medal around my neck everyday that says " I fucked Jolene Parker."

I could feel my blood boiling. My fists were clenched as tight as they could be.

"Dude, let's make a bet. Whoever she sleeps with first gets 50 bucks."

That's it. Absolutely not.

I slammed my locker shut and walked to the other side ready to give these guys the beating of their life.

When I made my way to the other side of the lockers they both laid their eyes on me. They clearly were not picking up the practically deadly aura I was giving off. They were both still laughing and began to talk to me.

"Hey man, we heard you took Jolene Parker back to your dorm the other night. You're a lucky guy. So... was she as good as she looks?"

Hearing him even speak her name was enough to send me over the edge.

I wanted nothing more than to crush this guy's jaw to no return so he could never say these vile things about Jo ever again, but first I had to let them know that we are not the same.

"I didn't sleep with her." I seethed through my teeth.

"Ah, dude that's too bad. I'd be upset too. She's probably a virgin. There is something really innocent about her that I can't explain. I know she has that kind of ugly scar, but everything else about her makes up for that."

The guy looked to his buddy  "This bet just got way more difficult if she's a virgin. I'm upping the bet to 100 bucks."

I snapped.
I raised my fist up, ready to absolutely demolish these guys.
I could see the blood drain from both of their faces.

As my fist was about to hit his face, someone's hand stopped my fist from colliding.
It was Chase.

He stepped in front of me and the two guys.

"Jack, I know you're beyond pissed right now. Considering how angry you are right now, if I were to let you beat up these guys to the extent I know you're thinking, you'd definitely get kicked off the team, you'd probably get expelled and that would ruin the chance of you getting into the pros one day. I know you want to Protect Jolene, but you can't do that if you get sent to another school. As much as I would love to see you beat these guys to a pulp, just stop and think for a minute"

He had a really good point. I brought my fist down to my side again and nodded to Chase letting him know that calmer now.

Chase patted my shoulder and stepped out of the way.

I took a step towards the guys and I swear they looked like they were about to shit their pants.

" You two are really lucky Chase was here. If I ever catch either of you trying to do anything to Jolene, I won't hesitate to put you in your place. Your small brains wouldn't even be able to comprehend the demented things I would do to you. If I even hear her name coming out from one of your mouths, there will be no second chances.If you think Jo's small scar is ugly you're going to want to vomit when you look in the mirror because of the scars i'll give you if you ever come anywhere near her or speak her name. Got it?"

I couldn't stand to look at their faces anymore. I grabbed my bag and headed out of the locker rooms with Chase.

All I can think about is knocking their teeth out and placing them on my trophy shelf. I do want to protect Jo. I couldnt when we were younger so I will now, but I can't do that if I'm sent to another school. I refuse to be separated from her again. That is an absolute last resort.

I think I'm losing it. Is this what people mean when they say love makes you crazy? Do I love Jo? No way. I must just be protective of her because she's my oldest friend.

I need to just go to bed. Today needs to be over.

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