Chapter 4 - Jackson

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It's been a few days since I moved into my dorm.

My roommates name is Chase.
He seemed pretty cool.
He always made an effort to talk to me.
We always had something to talk about since we're both on the Hockey team together.

He was always blabbing about some girl named Amanda. It was obvious he really liked her.

The Hockey team decided to throw a party tonight.
I was pretty hyped for it. I like all the guys on the team and there was bound to be some hot girls there.

I showed up to the party and grabbed a drink. I started mingling with some people. Met a few girls. It felt like they were swarming me at one point.

A guy came up to me and laughed .

"Jeez dude save some girls for us. You're basically a chick magnet."

I laughed.

When I started highschool I became pretty popular.
Not to sound full of myself but I had pretty decent looks.
That's what everyone else thought at least.

I was filling up my drink when I heard chase calling my name.

I turned around and there was a girl standing there. I didn't recognize her at first.

Then I saw that small scar on above her eyebrow.

Holy shit.

I looked at her a little closer.

I didn't want to believe it was her.
It was clear it was her when I saw those big ocean blue eyes that looked like you could just drown in them.

I didn't recognize her at first. She had lost a lot of weight. Her features had grown more prominent. She was dressed really nice in a blue top that matched her eyes and a short white skirt.

She had grown to be extremely beautiful. There was no denying it. It was a fact. Any guy would definitely agree with me.

All of my memories of her came flooding back to me so intensely I almost dropped my drink.

"Do you guys know each other." Chase asked.

To be honest I could barely hear him. It was like everything around me had stopped.

I couldn't pull my eyes away from her.
I didn't think I would ever see her again.

""Um, yeah.. we grew up in the same town."
She said, while looking down at her cup.
She was clearly feeling as uncomfortable as me.

I realized I had waited too long to give a response.

I came back to reality.

"Um yeah, we did..." I said, unable to find any other words.

Jolene decided to leave the party after that awkward conversation.

I watched her walk away.
My memory flashing back to that chilly Autumn day when she walked back to her house after she broke my heart into a million pieces.

It was like I was reliving it again.

I'll admit, after all these years, it still makes my heart sink, thinking about it.

Max came up to me.
"Dude Amandas roommate is way too pretty. Like it's a crime how pretty she is. I want to ask her out but I've been walking around and it seems like every guy was thinking the same thing as me."

I couldn't take it. I just walked away without saying anything.

After she left my mood switched and wouldn't go back to normal.

I couldn't focus on the party so I decided to leave.

A girl that I had talked to earlier came up to me and grabbed my arm as I was leaving.

"Hey! can I come back to your place and Maybeee we could have a little party of our own." She tried to say in a seductive voice.

I was too angry to say anything.
I bluntly pulled my arm away and walked out the door.

I headed back to my dorm.
Slammed the door shut.

I put on my headphones and just listened to music trying to get my mind off of her.

The music wasn't helping at all.
It's weird how when you listen to music all of your problems relate to the lyrics.

Chase came stumbling in a while later.

"Dude what was up with you earlier? After you saw Jolene you totally switched up."

I paused.

"We didn't exactly end on good terms when we were younger."

"Ah. I see. Well, Max really likes her. He Wouldn't shut up about her."

Why did that hurt to hear?

Chase fell asleep clearly exhausted from the party.

I tried to sleep but I couldn't stop thinking of her and her stupid big blue eyes.

Damnit. Out of all schools...

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