Chapter 5 - Jolene

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I started my classes today
I decided about 2 years ago that I wanted major in psychology.
I just find it really interesting how the brain works. Why people do things. How we end up the way we do.

Class was pretty laid back. It was basically just an introduction about what we're going to be doing the rest of the semester.
It went by pretty quick.

I decided to take a writing class as well.
It can't hurt. It Might even come in handy one day.

As I walk into class I saw that there was a pile of girls in one spot, all swarming around a certain spot.

I found a seat in the back, away from all the commotion.

Soon after, the professor walked in, asking everyone to take a seat.

All of the girls that were once in one spot scattered back to their seats.

The only thing that remained in the spot was none other than Jackson Walker.
No wonder.

I can't blame them.
He did turn out to be really handsome.
He had that dark flowy hair, sharp jawline that could cut your finger on if you grazed your hand across.
Those forest green eyes.
Nice build.
He was basically every girls wet dream.

There's no arguing that. The swarm of girls around him just proves my point further.

I could barely focus on the class with him sitting right there. I just never thought I'd ever be in the same room with him again.

It brought me back to third grade when we had our first class together.

Once class was over I pretty much ran out of the classroom. Ok, it was more like a fast walk but whatever.

Later that night, Amanda told me Chase and most of the hockey team was going to the bars tonight.

She told me that Max was going and he really wanted to get to know me.

He seemed really sweet when we first talked, so I said yes.

I knew Jackson was probably going to be there, but I'm not going to let him get in the way of me having a good time.

Me and Amanda played some music and got ready together.
To be honest, sometimes this was the best part of my night. Girls getting ready together is peak girlhood.

We did our makeup and put on cute outfits.
I put on a cute little corset top and some slightly baggy cargo pants.

Me and Amanda walked into the bar and immediately heard Chase yell out.

"AMANDA! JO! OVER HERE!" We walked over to him and the rest of the hockey team.
I immediately saw Jackson laughing with one of his buddies from the team.

"I'm happy you guys could make it!" Chase exclaimed.

"So are we! So are we drinkin or what?" She asked.

Another guy came over with a tray of shots.

"Now we're talkin" I said while grabbing a shot.

Amanda grabbed one as well.

We clanked our glasses together and threw em back.

The rest of the team did as well.

I ended up talking with Chase a lot. He was really fucking funny. He could make me Belly laugh. He's perfect for Amanda.

I also ended up talking to Max for a bit, just getting to know each other.
He ended up having to leave early because he had an early class the next day.

I glanced over to the corner and I saw a girl all over Jackson.
No surprise.

I decided to throw back some more shots.
I was definitely feeling it.

The room was kind of starting to spin.
I started talking to a bunch of random people in the bar.
They were all really nice and ended up buying me more shots.

At this point in the night, I'm stumbling around, my thoughts are unclear and coming out of my mouth before I can stop them.

Most of the people had left by then.

One of my favorite songs came on so I decided to start dancing with some of the other people who were as well. Definitely wasn't easy.
I kept almost falling over.

"You look like you could use some fresh air."
A random guy said to me.

Before I could say anything, he grabbed my hand and took me outside.
I wanted to stop but my body wasn't cooperating at the moment.

He took me outside in front of the building
I went to lean against the wall, but failed and fell on my ass. I was now just sitting against the wall.

"Looks like you've had a little too much to drink" he said, while getting on the same level as me.

He moved his fingers along my shoulder and slowly started moving them down to my chest. I started to attempt to push him away and tell him to stop.

"Cmon, don't be like that. Don't make this difficult" he said.

I was so scared at this point, but I was on the verge of blacking out.

Before I could even protest. I heard two bangs. The first bang was him getting punched. The second bang was him hitting the ground.

I looked up and it was Jackson.

He looked furious. Absolutely Furious.
His eyes were dark, his fist was bloody.
His breathing was heavy.

He bent down to lift me up.

"Are you stupid or something? You're going to get yourself killed dumbass." He said while getting me off the ground.

"dont callll me a that you jockstrap. No wait I've get a better one "jackstrap" because your name is Jackson, and I used to call you Jack."

Oh my god. Why are all of these words just coming out of my mouth?"

We both headed into the bar while my arm was around his shoulder so he could support most of my weight to prevent me from falling.

Amanda and Chase came up to us.

"Oh good! You found her. Man she looks wasted. By the way, we decided that I'm going to sleep over at Amanda and Jo's dorm tonight, so you take Jo back to ours and she can just sleep on my bed."

I didn't even care. I just wanted a bed at this point.

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