Chapter 10 - Jolene

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Jolene POV

It's been three days since me and Jackson partnered up for the project. Today is our first day volunteering at the daycare.

It shouldn't be too bad. I don't mind kids, I just don't have much experience with them. Even when I was a kid I didn't fit in. I'm not sure how Jackson is with kids. I'm a little worried to be honest, but there's nothing I can do about it now.

Jackson said he would pick me up. I told him I could drive there myself, but he insisted. He actually pretty much gave me no option. He told me he would be outside waiting for me at 4:00 on the dot whether I liked it or not and he would honk his horn until I got in the car. He's always been a "my way or the highway" kind of guy. I've never minded. I'm pretty indecisive, so I've always admired that he's someone who knows what he wants and isn't afraid to speak up.

Around 3:00, I started getting ready. I threw on a pair of jeans. A tank top, and a zip up hoodie.
I also put on a touch of makeup so I didn't look like the walking dead. If I know anything about kids, it's that they are way too damn honest. If I look like shit, they'll be sure to let me know.

At 4:00 right on the dot, I started to hear honking. I look out the window from my dorm and sure enough it's Jackson. That fucker,I didnt actually think he was serious when he said he would honk his horn until I came out.. I swear he's just trying to embarrass me at this point.

I walked downstairs and through the lobby to get outside and Jackson was still honking that damn horn.

I got in the car and immediately smacked his arm. "You ass hat! You definitely saw me coming, and yet you continue the blare that loud ass horn." I seethed while rolling my eyes. Well I guess he's truly a man of his word.

He turned to me smiling. "You're cute when you're mad. If you keep this up, next time I'll bring a megaphone."

It kind of feels like he's flirting with me. I'm probably just taking it the wrong way. Either way it made me blush.

I crossed my arms and turned towards the window. "There's no way you have a megaphone."

He began driving. " you're right. I don't, but I have an amazon prime membership. I could have the megaphone at my door tomorrow if I wanted it."

"I'm so done with this conversation."

The rest of the car ride went pretty smooth. We pretty much just listened to music. Turns out we have the same taste. My least favorite part was when he started teasing me, by serenading me with Dolly Parton's "Jolene".

We finally arrived at the daycare. It was a small, cozy place. When we walked in there were tons of drawings on the walls made by the kids from the daycare. There was also an entire wall of just photographs of the kids having fun doing activities. It was cute. You could easily tell these kids were taken care of and loved here.

We got up to the front desk and introduced ourselves.

"Hi! I'm Jolene and this is Jackson, we're here to help volunteer."

She was a cute old lady who wore a polk-a-dot scarf, a bright red top. And a long skirt.
"Oh my, you two are a cute couple. I'm Margery. I'm happy we're getting some help around here. These kids deserve all of the attention they can get."

My face turned red at the thought of her thinking me and Jackson were a couple.
As I was about to correct her, she quickly got very close to my face and adjusted her glasses to see me better.
"You have a mole, near your temple. In Chinese culture. that signifies a very happy marriage."

I blinked a few times. "Oh, um... thank you?"
She laughed, and began dragging me and Jackson to a big room.

"This is where you two will be mostly, during your time here. Your job is mostly just to play with the kids, help them when they need something, and help clean up. Dina is in charge of what goes on in here, she's very happy you two are here to help out. It'll let her do some things around the building that need tending to while you two watch them."

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