Chapter 6 - Jackson

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I started my classes today.
The only one I had for today was a writing class.

I got there pretty early. I thought I wasn't going to be able to find the class, so I left my dorm earlier in case I was having trouble finding it.

I ended up finding it pretty quick, so I was there pretty early.

More people started to come in.
A girl came up wanting to start a conversation. Soon after that another girl came up to talk as well. Soon enough there were like 7 girls in my space.

It's too early for this shit.

Right before class was about to start, I heard the door open and looked over.

It was Jolene.
She was wearing a baggy crew neck and some flared leggings with a pair of sneakers.
She had her hair up in a messy bun.

I could hear her walk up to the very back of the class and take a seat.

Class started soon after that when the professor came in moments later.

I was having trouble focusing the rest of the class knowing that the girl I never thought I'd see again was sitting just a few rows behind me.

Soon enough class ended.
Before I could even leave my seat I saw Jolene practically sprinting to get out of the class.

Later on that night, Chase told me that him and the rest of the hockey team are going to the bar tonight. He told me he invited Amanda, so I can only assume that Jolene is going to be there.

Oh well. It's not really like I can avoid her forever.

Me and the guys were having a good time at the bar.
I heard the door open and soon after heard Chase calling over Amanda and Jolene.

I kept talking to one of the teammates but my eyes kept wandering over to Jolene.
It's weird seeing how she looks completely different, but If I look close enough I can still see that little girl I knew years ago.

"Hey man you okay? You keep looking at Jolene."

I looked back at him.
"Yeah man, I'm fine. Psh. I wasnt looking at her... I was looking at the... plant.. in the corner."

He laughed.
"Right man okay." He said. Clearly knowing I was lying.

I ended up talking to a girl throughout the night, she was one of the most boring people I had ever met, but she had a great ass to be honest.

Even though I had this pretty girl in front of me, who would practically drop her pants if I told her to, I couldn't stop looking at Jolene. She had taken a lot of shots. I had lost count.

She was stumbling around the bar talking to people who ended up buying her more shots. Mostly guys who probably just wanted to get in her pants.

She started dancing with some people. Tried to at least.
She was pretty much just stumbling around like a maniac. Kind of made me laugh.

I saw a guy go up to her and grab her arm. He started to drag her away.

All of a sudden the girl grabbed my face and pulled it down to look at her.

"Are you even paying attention? Whatever. What do you say we just go back to your place." She said clearly annoyed.

When I looked back up to see if Jolene was still there, she was gone.
Along with the guy who grabbed her arm.
Jesus Christ.

Without saying anything I looked around the bar for a minute. One of the Perks about being tall is being able to scan a room quick since you're pretty much above everyone.
She wasn't in sight.

I went over to Amanda and Chase.

"Hey have you guys seen Jolene anywhere?"

They both gave each other a weird look.

"No we haven't seen her."

"I'll look for her." I stated

I decided to check outside.

When I walked out I saw the guy from earlier kneeling down by Jolene who was quite clearly on the verge of blacking out.

He had his hands on her waist and her chest.

She started trying to move him off of her but clearly was failing.

I then heard him say, "C'mon, don't be like that. Don't make this difficult" he said.

My blood was boiling.
I could feel my face getting hot.
My fists were clenched so tight that there would be cuts from my nails on my palms from squeezing so hard.
It was like I was only seeing red.

I wanted to kill him.

Before I knew it, my body was moving on its own.

My fist hit his face so hard I think a few of his teeth came out.

I was about to lay into him some more. I wanted nothing more than to get on the ground and start wailing on the guy.

Before I could, I looked over at Jolene who looked scared out of her mind.

I was still furious but I decided to help Jolene up.

I can't imagine if that guy went any further.
That could've been really bad.

"Are you stupid or something? You're going to get yourself killed or something dumbass." I said, still in a rage.

"dont callll me a that you jockstrap. No wait I've get a better one "jackstrap" because your name is Jackson, and I used to call you Jack." She said while slurring her words. Barely able to stand.

I accidently let out a chuckle at the comment but soon felt a tinge of sadness remembering how she started calling me jack when we were in fourth grade.

The day she told me she hated me, I knew she was serious about it since she called me "Jackson". She hadn't called me that since third grade at that point.

I headed into the bar holding Jolene's arm over my shoulder to support most of her weight. Otherwise even a slight breeze would make her topple over.

When we walked in Amanda and Chase came up to us.

"Oh good! You found her. Man she looks wasted. By the way, we decided that I'm going to sleep over at Amanda and Jo's dorm tonight, so you take Jo back to ours and she can just sleep on my bed." Chase said.

Damn. I really didn't want to deal with the awkwardness of being with Jolene, but I know my boy is dying to get laid. He deserves it. It seems like Amanda is really needing it too. They were all over each other.

Welp. This should be an interesting night.

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