Vincent and Calista's backstory

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Ah yes the gay and lesbian twins who both have pansexual partners.


Chou Vincent and Calista are Taiwanese twins who are born in the USA. They kind of had a normal childhood.

Everything that one did, the other did. It went on like that until they turned ten. They also both have really good sense of fashion.

Of course the two were quite tall as they both got the genes from their father.

I don't think I'll write much in this chapter but idk. They both had an okay childhood and barely anything bad happened to them.

A lot of women were in love with Vincent and a lot of men were in love with Calista.

But what they didn't know is that neither of the twins were straight at all.

Ever since they turned thirteen, they found interest in their own genders. Calista loves women and Vincent loves men.

The highschool they went to wasn't actually that bad. Just some weird arse people here and there.

But the one person they both despised the most is the one and only Y/n.

They both hated her. Vincent pretended to have feelings for her to see if she's that much of a dumb bitch.

And turns out she is.

"She really is so dumb. What a bitch. How can she even hate Aneira? How does Somni deal with her?" -Calista

"I honestly don't know. What a fucking pick me ass bitch. I feel bad for Somni." -Vincent

Some people didn't like the twins because of their style of clothing but they couldn't care less. The only reason they didn't pick on them was because Aneira is dating Calista.

As for Vincent, the only person he wouldn't mind being alone with is Milo. Basically the male version of Aneira.

And of course we will learn more about Milo in his backstory. Let's see if y'all can guess what his backstory is like.

Vincent likes heavy metal and rock. Whereas Calista likes alternative and rap and sometimes indie rock.

The only difference other than height is how they react when they get angry.

Vincent slams doors and yells at random stuff, while Calista breaks glass, yells random gibberish shit and throws stuff everywhere.

Vincent and Calista grew up in a city with their parents.

Their parent's marriage was arranged. They loved them but they were so busy with work that they couldn't spend time with them. Even if they wanted to.

So the twins basically knew how to take care of themselves growing up without their parent's help.

As their parents were returning home from work, they got into a car crash, with only the dad surviving.

So of course the death impacted them. The twins haven't smiled in a while.

That was until Milo and Aneira entered their lives.

Calista knew that Aneira could make any outfit look good, even if she were to wear a Y/n type of outfit.

As for Vincent, Milo means everything to him. So if Milo dies, he dies. No hesitation.

So their lives improved because of them. Their father, Guang, was happy that his children smiled again after what seemed like forever.

And that concludes their backstory! Sorry if it's rushed.

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