The murder of all Y/ns part three

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Idk why but I like this group (the video)

Btw this is who Stoopy is:

This book is almost coming to an end but don't worry you can always read the facts in the book 'slanderverse facts'.


"Soph that building is burnt down enough! It's already gone!" Juno says, trying to hold Soph back.

"It's not enough! Those fucking scientists deserve it! It's not only for me it's for the other kids that were there too!" Soph yells out trying to escape Juno's arms.

"Soph you're going to cause destruction to the whole world if you keep exploding shit." Somni calmly explains to Soph.

"Guys! Guys! Help us!" Hina yells, running with Stoopy.

"What's wrong?" Juno asks.

"These humans keep running after us!" Stoopy responds.

"We're just trying to help you with all these Y/ns!" A girl said.

"Hold on a minute," Juno pauses, "Athena? What are you doing here?"

"We saw a portal so we all just jumped in!" Athena explains.

Soph stops trying to fight, "Wait what do you mean 'we'?"

A whole group of people appear from behind. Soph, Somni and Juno instantly recognise all of them.

"Amir!? Amory!?" (Juno)

"Hi Odette!!" (Soph)

"Vixenne!!" (Somni)

"Is this another universe or something?" Foxxen questioned. He noticed Somni and Vixenne hugging each other and smiled to himself.

"Oh yeah this is Soph's universe! Did you come from Juno's universe?" Somni says.

"I think so." Odette responded, "also who are these two?"

"I'm Hina and this is Stoopy! They just moved back here a few days ago!" Hina introduces.

"That's cool but why is Stoopy eating a Lego?" Theyo questioned.

"Because-" before Stoopy could explain, they were interrupted by a thud.

It was a pillow in the size of an animated character. It was quite far but close enough for them to see it.

"Who is tha-" the same as Stoopy, Athena got interrupted.

"WEI WUXIAN AS A PILLOW???" Soph exclaimed. Amir walked up to it and dragged it closer to the group.

Before anyone could touch it, a bright light flashed in everyone's eyes. And the pillow was now a human.

"Who the fuck are you all!?" The person exclaimed.

It was the one and only infamous cute ass bitch Wei Wuxian. It appears that someone turned him into a pillow.

All of a sudden he disappeared not to be seen again. The remains of the pillow was also gone as well.

"Okay what the fuck just happened?" Reid uttered.

The whole group then started talking and got along with each other. It was as if it was a peaceful day.

"Everyone shut the fuck up!" Levain interrupted.

"Levain we have a child here!" Theyo added, covering Vixie's ears.

"Well we need to work together and murder every single Y/n possible otherwise we're all doomed." Levain explained.

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