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- Present day -

Elise was in her classroom, she tapped her fingertips against the smooth wood like desk.

She felt a gaze on her. She looked around the classroom and her eyes met with Robin's.

Elise got tensed up and quickly looked away breaking the eye contact. she was still nervous to talk to robin after weeks or worse. months.

she felt someone writing on her back. she quickly turned around the see derick. of course. derick was the boy she rejected back then. Elise just glared at him. the bell then rang.

Elise quickly got up and grabbed the straps of her backpack. she heard a few giggles from behind her. she was a bit confused. A Boy named finney looked at her with a concerning face.

"Slut!!" A boy yelled at her.

She finally realized. Derick has wrote "slut" on the back of her shirt. Her eyes became glossy. She felt tears roll down her cheek, she sprinted out of the classroom.

she ran into the females restroom, she ran into a stall and closed the door shut as she continued to sob. she heard someone walk into the bathroom.

Footsteps slowly approached her stall. ot was slightly opened by a girl with two braids. "hey..are you okay??" She questioned her.

"what the hell do you want?" She said harshly to her. her eyes were red.

"Nothing! i was just checking on you."

Elise took a deep breath before getting up off of the toilet seat. She turned around and showed the back of her shirt. She saw and it said "Slut".

her eyes widened. "what the fuck??" she muttered.

Elise turned back around. she wiped her tears while the other girl watched.

"Come on.. i'll cover you." she told her and elise nodded.

Elise walked out slowly with the other girl behind her. she was covering her back, they both made it to the exit.

they began walking together and finney followed along.

"ive never gotten your name?" the girl questioned Her.

"Elise. Elise marylane."

The girl nodded. "I'm gwendolyn. call me gwen though."

Elise smiled at gwen and gwen smiled back.

"Hey um. Are you alright??" Finney asked her while walking with them both.

"Oh. Yeah, I'm fine."

Finney nodded.

"I'll see you both tomorrow..I think."

Gwen smiled. "Yeah..see you later!!"

Elise walked off.

Elise walked down the street and she walked up the doorsteps.

She checked a flowerpot and it showed her key to get inside.

She grabbed the key. Then she unlocked the door and opened it.

She stepped inside and closed the door shut then locked it once again.

She took her shoes off and threw them somewhere.

She then walked upstairs, she walked inside of her room and flopped on her bed.

Elise fell into a deep sleep.

Once she woke up it was at least 2 in the morning.

Elise was sweating, she felt hot for some reason. It was dark in her room. She couldn't see anything.

She slowly got up and walked out of her room. Elise walked downstairs to find her father with another woman.

Elise scrunched her face in disgust.

She walked into the kitchen and she jumped on the counter.

She opened the cabinets and grabbed a snack.

She closed the cabinets and she jumped down the counter.

Elise sneaked back upstairs but ended up getting caught.

"Hey bitch!!"

Elise slowly turned around. "Hi..?"

"Go to fucking bed!!"

Elise slowly nodded and walked upstairs. She finally arrived in her room and she sat on her bed.

She ate the snack and she laid down on her bed and stared at the wall in the dark.


The next morning, Elise woke up and her hair was messy. She slowly sat up.

Elise grabbed her hairbrush and brushed her hair, her hair.

Once she got ready, she put on her shoes and left her house.

She was staring at her feet while walking. She finally made it to school and walked inside.

She walked through the school. She wasn't really paying attention and she bumped into someone's back.

She fell back to the ground. She looked up to see Robin Arellano.

"Um. Sorry." Elise apologized.

Robin nodded and helped Elise up.

"Thank you."

Robin nodded once again, he grinned at Elise, Elise simply stared at him before walking away. He watched her walk away in confusion.

What did I do..??

They are so canon

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