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ELISE WAS sitting in the cafeteria, it was lunch hours, she sat with Gwen, Finney and Robin as usual. She thought for a second before stealing a glance at Robin.

She let out a deep sigh before tapping Robin on the shoulder.

His eyes quickly glanced over to Elise. He looked at her with a confused glance.

"can we talk?" She questioned Robin.

Gwen began making 'ooo' noises.

Robin ignored, he hesitantly nodded, they both stood up from their seats and they walked away together.

She led him into an empty hallway.

"Yeah..?" Robin dryly said while he glanced down at his shoes.

Elise let out a deep sigh.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked, it came out as a bit harsh, she didn't mean for it to be.

"What..? Nothing is wrong with m-"

"Yes there is." Elise cut him off, she let out a deep sigh before continuing. "You have been closed off and acting strange ever since you talked to Vanessa." Elise explained.

"..why is it any of your business..??" Robin harshly responded.

She hesitated for a second.

"Because I care about you, Robin."

Elise admitted.

Robin's eyes slightly widened by her response.

"I don't want you to keep whatever the fuck happened to yourself. I want you to tell somebody..anybody..you have Finney, and Gwen....me..?"

Robin hesitated for a moment. "I'll tell you three at the end of the day, let's just get back." Robin told her.

Elise swiftly nodded, Robin guided her back to the cafeteria.

"Hey..Robin." Elise stopped him for a moment.

He stopped walking. 

"Yeah?" He responded, still looking forward.

"please..don't hide your feelings. I care about you." Elise admitted.

Robin stayed silent for a moment before turning to her. "Thanks." Robin thanked her before slightly grinning at her.

"..of course..you're my..friend." Elise smiled back at Robin.

They both walked back to their table and sat down.

The four kids were walking back home, Gwen was giggling with Finney .  That was until Robin spoke up. "Guys." He spoke out to them.

Their attention fixated onto the boy. "What's up?" Gwen said.

Robin let out  a deep sigh. "With Vanessa and me..I don't actually like her..it's just she said that if I didn't date her then she would spread more rumours about Elise and I..didn't want that to happen."  Robin explained to the three.

Elise glanced down at her feet then back at Robin.

"That bitch!" Gwen insulted.

Finney opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out.

A bike drove to the group. It is revealed to be Billy showalter on top of the bike. 

"Hey! Elise come on!!" He told her.

"Sorry..bye guys." Elise waved goodbye before hopping onto Billy's bike, Billy drove away.

"Hijo de puta.." Robin muttered and he rolled his eyes in annoyance.

𝐎𝐍 & 𝐎𝐅𝐅 -> 𝙍𝙊𝘽𝙄𝙉 . 𝘼Where stories live. Discover now