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THE NEXT DAY Elise ended up spending a night, right now she was laying in Robin's bed with him. Robin and her legs and arms were tangled all over the place.

Robin was softly snoring while rolling to Elise's side.

Elise harshly pushed Robin's head away causing Robin to flip over to his side.

Her eyes slowly lifted open, she checked the clock, it read '6:30'.

Elise's eyes widened as she quickly shot up and she glanced over at the sleeping Robin.

"Robin!! Get your ass up!!" Elise scolded while shaking Robin harshly.

"Elise..what the fuck..?!" Robin complained.

"it's almost time for school !! Get up." Elise harshly said as she stood up.

Robin groaned in annoyance.

He sat up.

"Wait..shit!!" Elise grumbled.

"What now?" Robin said.

"I have no clothes to change in!!" Elise shouted.

"Okay!!, no need to yell.." Robin said while rubbing his eyes. "I have some clothes you can wear.."

"You're insane if you think I'm wearing your clothes." Elise rolled her eyes.

"Give or take." Robin said.

Elise thought about it for a second. "Fine, whatever." Elise agreed.

She walked over to Robin's drawers and she opened some until she met with a drawer full of shirts.

"Ugh..do you have any sleeved shirts?" Elise asked him before turning her head towards him.

"Well, yes. But I prefer sleeveless if you wanna have more fashion."

She rolled her eyes.

Robin grinned at her before standing up. "Just saying." He said.

Elise grabbed one of his sleeveless shirts and went down to his bottom drawer and opened it revealing pants.

She dug through them and she found some non flared pants.

"Oh those are small. They could probably fit you." Robin commented and earned a glare from Elise.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?!" Elise said.

Robin shrugged.

That made Elise roll her eyes and she stood out of the way.

Robin grabbed two pairs and he gestured for Elise to go.

Elise left the room, she went to the bathroom and stood in front of it.

"Go." Robin told her.

"No, you go!!" Elise told him.

"I told you first!!"

"And I told you to go second now go!"

"You go first!!"

"No you go first!!"

"Fine." Robin finally gave in and he went inside the bathroom and closed the door.

Elise waited.

He came out of the bathroom and Elise went in behind him.

He waited for Elise.

"Robin.." Elise called out.

"What?" Robin replies.

"Nothing." Elise said. "Just wanted to make sure you were there." Elise replied and she stepped out.

Robin rolled his eyes before walking forward. "Come on."

Elise followed him.

They went downstairs and they both were greeted by his uncle.

"Hey tìo." Robin greets.

"What does that mean?" Elise said in a confused tone.

"It means uncle." Robin replies.


"Come on." Robin led her towards the table and he sat down.

Elise sat down next to him, she stayed silent for a while.

"Who's the girl??" His uncle asked Robin.

"Oh, uh Elise. She's my friend but..she was tutoring me." Robin casually replies.

His uncle nodded.

Elise sat there, staring at the plate of food in front of her.

"Is something wrong?" His uncle asks.

Robin glanced at Elise.

"Oh, uhm. No I'm just not hungry." Elise replied.

"Oh" his uncle replies.

Robin got skeptical. "you sure?" Robin asked with his body facing towards her.

"Yeah." Elise casually replies.

Robin furrowed his eyebrows and slowly continued eating with his gaze still on Elise.

He knew damn well that she was fucking lying but he didn't want to question her any further.

𝐎𝐍 & 𝐎𝐅𝐅 -> 𝙍𝙊𝘽𝙄𝙉 . 𝘼Where stories live. Discover now