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-----ELISE was sitting at her desk, her fingers tapped on the desk. Her mind slowly drifted off to Billy. She wondered if he stopped by her house or not.

Her thoughts quickly had been interrupted, she sensed that somebody was looking at her.

Her eyes slowly darted around the room, her eyes met with Robin's, they both made eye contact.

She quickly looked back towards the white board, the teacher was writing stuff down on it in black marker.

Robin frowned at Elise.

After school, Elise was walking on the sidewalk. She scanned around her surroundings.

She heard a bike's bell ringing. She looked behind her, a bike nearly ran over her.

Elise let out a scream.

The bike stopped.

Elise had her eyes shut and she covered her head with her arms.

"I'm sorry..are you alright??.." she heard a male voice apologize.

She looked up, she saw the same dirty blonde boy.

"Billy..?" Elise said in a questionable tone.

"Yeah..sorry Elise.." Billy apologized, he hopped off his bike.

"Are you alright?" He questioned, he then grabbed Elise gently and searched her.

"Yeah.. I'm fine.." She reassured him.

Billy grinned at her.

"Uh..I can bike you home as an apology?" Billy suggested.

"Uh..sure." she agreed.

Billy then walked over to his bike, he hopped on his bike and he looked at Elise.

She then hopped on, behind on Billy's bike.

"Hold on." Billy told her and he gripped his hands onto the handle of the bike.

Elise wrapped her arms around Billy's waist.

Billy began driving, he drove into the street.

"Y'know where my house is?" Elise questioned.

Billy slightly nodded. "I'm a paper boy, remember?" Billy said while slightly chuckling.

"Yeah..I guess so." Elise said, her grip tightened onto Billy's stomach.

Billy drove a bit faster.

The wind hit her and Billy's face.

They finally arrived at her house. But someone was already there.

"Elise !! Where the hell were you?!" They heard a female voice say.

The female ran towards Elise and Billy.

"I was at Finney's house." Elise explained as she hopped off of Billy's bike.

"You should've at least told me !!" The female said in a concerned tone.

"I know..and..I'm sorry, okay?" Elise apologized.

"I'm here.. okay??" She reassured the older woman.

The older girl fixated her attention onto Billy. "Oh hey, paper boy."

"Hey !" Billy greeted her with a warm smile.

"Come on." The girl told Elise.

Elise wrapped her arm around the girl's back. The girl wrapped her arm around Elise's shoulder.

"Bye, Billy ." Elise said out loud.

"Bye Elise !!" Billy said his goodbyes.

His foot pushed onto the peddles, he then drove off.

Her and the other girl walked inside their house, they saw their dad.

He was eating Cheeto puffs. His fingers are dirty by them .

"Daddy, Elise is home." The girl informed their father.

"I don't give a damn..just get out of my sight. Both of you. I don't want to look at you sluts." Their dad harshly said.

Elise and her looked at each other.

"Come on, Karina.." Elise said.

They both walked upstairs.

They entered their shared bedroom. It had two mattresses on the carpet made floor. Clothes and blankets.

"I hate living this life.." Elise muttered under her breath.

She sat down on her mattress.

"I know..but..at least we have each other.. right?" Her sister reassured her, she sat down on her mattress.

She placed a hand on Elise's shoulder.

Elise glanced at Karina, she slowly pulled Karina into a warm embrace.

Karina shared it back. "Just please..tell me when you're going to a friend's house..okay??"

Elise nodded her head.

"Thank you."

𝐎𝐍 & 𝐎𝐅𝐅 -> 𝙍𝙊𝘽𝙄𝙉 . 𝘼Where stories live. Discover now