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GWEN RAN towards the phone that was in the living room. She grabbed the phone and she typed in a number.

Finney was downstairs, watching TV in the living room, he glanced at Gwen who was typing a number.

"What are you doing?" Finney questioned Gwen.

"I'm calling Susie and Elise, daddy said they could come over." Gwen responded while the phone began ringing.

"Seriously? He said I couldn't have Robin over today." Finney complained and slumped back into the couch..

"Shh !!" Gwen shushed Finney as the phone picked up.

"Hello?" She heard a voice from the other line.

"Susie, hey!" Gwen greeted Susie on the line with a small smile plastered onto her face.

"Oh hey Gwendolyn!" Susie greeted her back Gwen back with a friendly tone.

"Uhm..wanna come over ? But I have another girl to call."

"Really?, who??" Susie questioned Gwen.

"Elise !" Gwen told her with a smile on her face.

"Oh, okay!!" Susie said with happiness in her tone.


"Uhm, probably at 10??" Gwen suggested.

"Uh, yeah that's a good time !!" Susie Agreed.

"Okay!! See you then !" Gwen told her before hanging up.

Finney stared at her, listening in.

Gwen dialed another number. She placed the phone to her ear.

The phone began ringing.

It almost immediately got picked up, she was greeted by the voice of a middle aged man's voice.

"Who callin?!" She heard the aggressiveness in the man's voice.

Gwen's eyebrows furrowed.

"Uhm..is Elise Marylane there?" Gwen questioned, with a bit of discomfort in her voice.

"That bitch?, yeah." The man sounded a little drunk.

"Can you put her on the line?" Gwen questioned the man.

"Oka..y. ELISE, GET YOUR FUCKING ASS DOWN HERE. AND GET ME A BEER WHILE YOU'RE AT IT." The man raised his voice, making Gwen jump a bit.

"OKAY." She heard the sound of Elise's voice.

"Hello?" She heard a voice say, she assumed it belonged to Elise's.

"Elise?" Gwen said.

"Oh hey Gwen!" Elise said, with a hint of happiness in her tone.

"Hey..I want to see if you want to have a sleepover...? Or y'know..hang out?"

"Uhm..maybe. I need to ask my dad."

"Oh...well okay." Gwen said with a hint of concern in her voice.

"I'll see you later, if my dad allows me too."


Gwen hung up. She then looked at Finney, her face full of concern.

"What?" Finney said with confusion in his voice.

"I think there's something wrong with Elise's dad.." Gwen said with concern in her voice.

𝐎𝐍 & 𝐎𝐅𝐅 -> 𝙍𝙊𝘽𝙄𝙉 . 𝘼Where stories live. Discover now