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the purple mist forms behind us, alerting bakugo and kirishima they charge at him, causing an explosion

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the purple mist forms behind us, alerting bakugo and kirishima they charge at him, causing an explosion.

"your school lives up to their expectations but you should be careful children before someone gets hurt." it speaks. "ILL SCATTER YOU ACROSS THIS FACILITY TO MEET MY COMRADES AND YOUR DEATHS" it yells as the purple fog surrounds us all.

"FUCK WHAT IS THIS" i yell, grabbing onto the person next to me, seconds later i was falling onto grass and a todoroki landing ontop of me.

"agh man that hurt" i whine as he gets up off of me. "sorry about that" he says.

"we have similar quirks right?" i question him. "yea pretty much" he nods back at me.

"i need to help aizawa, shigaraki will destroy him.. fuck" i mutter as i begin walking away. todoroki grabs my arm and pulls me back. " you can't go you'll die,and you heard mr aizawa, he said 13 had to keep a good eye on you so you must be special or something"
he states.

"yes i am, maybe, sort of.. I DONT KNOW" i yell as he wraps his hand around my mouth.

"quite, you can tell me in a second if you want but you need to not shout. he warped us into a bush, i'd say we are quite lucky, i haven't seen any villains yet"

"oh yes" i nod. "so about the whole wanting me thing. please don't tell anyone" i look up at him, "you have my word" he reassures me.

"i'm all mights daughter." i say, his eyebrow raises. "hm that's why they want you. they want to use you as bait clearly to draw all might it, and it's exactly why your staying here" he adds sternly.

"yeah whatever" i say kneeling down
as he does the same.

bit later

"i want the girl." i hear a voice say, i stand up quickly and try getting closer to hear them ignoring the boys attempts to get me.

"we could use her as leverage to get all might and finally kill him" one of the minions say, my eyes widening in fear.

unbeknownst to me, 2 villians see me and try to attack me but are frozen by todoroki as he reveals himself, making them yell.

"AH shit thank you todoroki" i say, my heart racing, earning a nod from the boy as his face was serious.

"listen closely if i keep you frozen your cells will slowly die as your body succumbs to frostbite and hypothermia" he announces, the villians groaning as they slowly felt their limbs becoming numb.

"luckily for you, i want to become a hero so i don't want to result to unnecessary cruelty, but i'll only do that if u plan on telling me how you'll kill all might, it's the only way you'll survive " todoroki glances at me sympathetically as he brings his hand up too one of the villians faces and unleashes a cold breeze, leading the guy to ramble on about the bits he knows.

i divert my attention back over to aizawa and notice shigaraki running towards him.


aizawa wraps him up in his scarf pulling him foreward, he falls down, shigaraki towering over him as his hair falls down, i notice shigarakis hand resting on aizawas elbow.

"NO YOU FUCKING BITCH" i sprint over to them, ducking the attacks from villains in my path noticing the tip of aizawas elbow slowly disintegrating.

i get behind shigaraki and grab his shoulder with my right hand, trying to pull him off of aizawa.

"(Y/N) NO" aizawa yells noticing me. shigaraki diverts his attention from my teacher and onto me, ripping my hand off of his shoulder noticing it freezing up.

one of shigarakis companions go over and grab aizawa. "so your (y/n) all mights precious daughter hm" his eyes, red and bloodshot, darting at me from the sides of the hand on his face.

fear is written all over my face as he places a hand on my shoulder, 4 fingers. his pinky was resting above.

"now now, don't you move darling. you don't want to turn to dust now do you" he says mockingly, i couldn't move i was scared.

"if we can't have all might, you will be good enough" he grins. "(r/n) give aizawa a few more broken bones before we leave with our new possession".

i notice todoroki standing up the stairs back to where we was before, i shake my head at him indicating for him to not get involved "please don't" i mouth to him earning a nod.

he walks quietly behind the fountain trying not to gain unwanted attention but still wanting to be close if something went wrong.

shigaraki pulls me infront of him and has one of his hands wrapped around my torso and the other placed on my neck, with his index finger lifted.

"listen all of you, we are going to leave now, and we are taking (y/n) with us and if any of you and i mean any of you even try stopping us, she's gonna be dust"

he grind evilly underneath the hand, as everyone averted their gaze at him, stopping all fighting.

"please leave me alone" i mutter, making him laugh. "kurogiri, take us home" he says as another portal forms behind us.

the door breaks through and all might walks through, i sigh knowing that hopefully they'd let me go now he is here.

"have no fear students, i am here" he yells, lightening the mood of the USJ as everyone believed all would be okay.

all might notices me in shigarakis grasp. "LET HER GO, YOU KNOW NOT TO TOUCH CHILDREN" all might yells, making him laugh again.

"you came too late, we came here for you but now we want your daughter instead". everyone gasps in surprise of the news.

all might almost looked more cornered about our family relation becoming public rather than me being held by one of the most notorious villians, i scowl.

"hmm you see that (y/n) daddy dearest isn't too worried about you after all" shigeraki says, it was obvious he found joy in this, sick bastard.

he began walking backwards into the portal dragging me with. "FUCK NO HELP" everyone started panicking again and todoroki ran from behind and tried to grab me as i fought out of shigarakis grip, but to no avail, i was taken.

"SHE WAS RIGHT THERE, SHIT" todoroki rages, his ice creating a big tower from his rage of emotions, he felt useless knowing that he could've done more to save me.

everyone looks at all might in horror as he starts to crumble, eyes welling with tears as he saw his little girl being taken infront of him and had no way to stop it.

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