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"can i stay somewhere else

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"can i stay somewhere else.?" i mutter as we enter the base again, through the door this time. "hm sure you can stay in the dog cage that's in my room" i look up at him raising my eyebrow.

"absolutely not, i'm not an animal" i say as he lets go of me and walks over to the bar. something isn't right, why is he just letting me off with no punishments or anything..

"well after the stunt you pulled in the shopping centre, i don't think you have a choice now" he says as he takes a shot.

I sit down on one of the bar stools near him and rest my arms on the counter, it being sticky from drinks being spilt. gross.

"did i say you could sit down" he puts the hand back on his face looking at me.

"no but my legs hurt from running and all of that stabbing earlier" i say as i stretch my back, groaning in pleasure at the knot i felt being broken.

he gets up and walks behind me, unbeknownst to me he grabs the leg of the chair and it decays instantly making me fall backwards on-top of him as he fell too (wasn't on purpose).

my ass lands on the floor and my head lands on his crotch area making him groan from the sudden impact.

"ouch my ass" i wince as the pain starts to come. "i think my butt bone is broken." i realise where i'm laying and i start to go red, i quickly sit up and grab the bar to pull myself up onto my feet as he grabs his groin still whining.

"your ass doesn't have a bone dipshit" he says as he got up moments later , dusting down his clothes, a pink tint growing on his cheeks.

"i'm going to the toilet, move and your dead" he quickly walks away down a corridor. I raise my eyebrow, his quirk doesn't even work on me..

a few days later

i wake up in the cage, it was fairly big but still fucking cramped, it was the most humiliating thing, being trapped in a cage in which I can't seem to work my quirk. If I could I would've frozen these bars and knocked them right off.

"your awake" tomura walks into the room, with a glass of whiskey in his hand. "uh huh" i nod slouching back onto the rails. my stomach begins to rumble, the past few days I've been fed little to nothing. The feeling of my stomach rumbling didn't affect me like it did on the first day, it now feels normal like my body has normalised it from how much it happens.

I start to feel a weird feeling in my abdomen, it made my face cringe."can i get out please, i need to go to the toilet" i say pleading, i had hardly eaten or drank anything in the past few days. he was starving me because of what i'd done back at the mall.

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