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"(Y/N) wake up" I hear a voice mumble, I sit up and rub my eyes adjusting my vision into the new atmosphere

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"(Y/N) wake up" I hear a voice mumble, I sit up and rub my eyes adjusting my vision into the new atmosphere.

I lean to the side slightly, my eyes blurred between blinks. "AAAH" I yell as I lean too much and fall off my bed.
Wait I'm in the hospital.. I pause for a second and look up at the 3 boys who stared back at me dumbfounded.

"(Y/N) are you okay..?" Deku asks curiously as I'm slouched on the floor  with a bandage wrapped around my head. "I suppose so" i shrug back at the boy.

Turning my head I see todoroki wide eyed, I raise my eyebrow at him and he does it back making me laugh. I stand up again, my legs feeling like jello. I wobble around for a second before climbing back into bed.

Dekus face goes bright red and todoroki looks away along with iida who covered his eyes. "What's all of your problem" I cross my arms darting my eyes at each of them.

"(Y/N) your hospital attire was slightly raised when you climbed back into bed" iida says, his face sparking red as he try's to speak as formal as possible.

"oh." My face goes blank, embarrassment surging through my body as my face went a slight pink colour.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE BAKUGO" I yell at the boy who's standing in the doorway with his eyebrow raised and his mouth wide open.

"DONT YELL AT ME YOU SHITTY GIRL" he yells back his face raging.
I roll my eyes and stick my tongue out at him. Silence lingered in the room for a few moments, it was awkward. Todorokis face calmed down and was back to the pale white it was before along with the other 2 in beds.

"So guys" I say playing with my fingers trying to break the agonising quietness of the room. "I thought I was gonna die last night!" I scratch the nape of my neck as I laugh slightly.

"You didn't even fight in it all" todoroki says in a monotone voice.
"BECAUSE MY SKULL ABSOLUTELY GOT OBLITERATED" I yell at the half n half boy. Bakugo scoffs and rolls his eyes, sad that the attention wasn't on him.

"hm okay" he replys bluntly I furrow my eyebrows at his response, feeling utterly disrespected. "Who pissed in your cereal" I scoff, narrowing my eyes at the boy earning a laugh from midoriya.

"You guys are so close, like siblings" we both look at the green haired boy dumbfounded. "Hm I don't see it. I'm blonde and he's a half and half bastard" I smile.

"You sounded a lot like bakugo when u said that" I open my mouth looking offended, "nuh-uh" I shake my head.

"Anywaysssss! How did you guys survive, that guy looked so strong. Like kickass murder strong" I say exaggerating my speech.

"I'm not sure with my leg messed up I was an easy target, he probably could've killed me if he really wanted too." Midoriya replys, pointing at his leg which had a bandaid tied around it.

"Yea it seems to me that he let us live for a purpose." Todoroki adds while looking at his band aided arm. "I'm impressed by you though iida, he was actually trying to murder you but you stood tall" he adds again

"That's not true.. I was-" iida was stopped mid sentence by gran torino who was coming in with a muscular police officer. "Oh so the injured youngens are awake" he says, he's voice raspy. "Gran torino!" Midoriya smiles at seeing the abnormally small man.

"And manuel too" iida adds. "Idiot I could yell at you for hours now" gran torino walks up to deku, making the boy stutter out a 'yea sorry'.

"But before I do, you've got a visitor.." he turns back around facing the door as a tall man (or dog) comes walking in.


"Todoroki" i whine, making puppy dog eyes directed at the boy next to me. "what is it" he raises his eyebrow as we continue to walk at the same pace.

"Do you think your dad would let us off today, due to my very.. concusioned head.?" I question as the boy side eyes me.

"That is such a lame excuse" todoroki says smiling as he speeds ahead. "HEY WAIT UP- I NEARLY DIED YOU ICYHOT SHIT" I speed up to catch up with him.

"Will you pleaseeee ask him" I practically beg the taller boy. He sighs
"Fine but only for one day"  my eyes light up. "YESS! thank you todoroki, your totally the best" I grin as I hug the boy making him go stiff.

I release myself from the hug and notice he is pink In the cheeks again "what is wrong with you" I poke his cheek, "it looks like u have a fever.

He grabs my wrist and pulls it away "I do not have anything wrong and I do not have a fever, come on we will go back to your house." I nod.

We both continue walking again, in silence. It hurt me deeply, I hate the silence.. more than I hate villains which says a lot!

"Do you ever get hallucinations of shigaraki" the red and white boy speaks up, finally stopping the quiet.
"Hm now that I've thought about it, I sometimes do see his figure but that's all." I reply back shrugging my shoulders.

"That is not normal we need to take you to a hospital" he semi panics at my answer. "No silly I'm fine, he's probably just engraved into my head by how revolting he is!!" He chuckles a bit.

"THAT GUY IS FUCKING EVIL. YOU KNOW HE LOCKED ME IN A CAGE LIKE I WAS SOME ANIMAL!!" I yell throwing my hands up In the air and wave them around.

"Yes (Y/N) you don't fail to remind me everyday" he slips his hands Into his trouser pockets. "Huh.? I swear I never told you" I start questioning my own actions after the boy bursted my bubble.

"oh whatever you stupid icy hot" I roll my eyes and cross my arms. "Ah no need to get stroppy, your acting like bakugo. I turn around to look at the boy behind me and I glared Instantly making him smile.

Watching a movie

"TODOROKI SHES GONNA DIE" i yelp as i burry my head into his neck afraid to see the gore that was about to come. "(Y/N) you wanted to watch this film  so look" he says making me pull away and cock an eyebrow at him.

"I said I'd buy you soba!!" I whine, making him furrow his eyebrows.
"Fine I'll message you what there saying" I nod vigorously and smile with my thumbs up.

I start to smell burning, on instinct I pause the tv which confused shoto until he realised the smell I was smelling. I get up and quickly run into the kitchen where all the commotion was happening.

Blue flames erupted off of every flammable item. "Fuck this persons smart." I scurry over to the sink and fill it open, over and over again as I poured it on the raging flames.

"What the fuck" todoroki just walked in and saw me doing manual work. He pushes me aside and creates an ice wall which engulfed the flame.

"Todoroki you impaled my  toaster!" I groan upon seeing the glass window being pierced through by a piece of glass.

I look over to the fire starter and see a note which was a neatly formed note. Todoroki grabs it and reads it out. "I will get you back, mark my words." I furrow my eyebrows. "Well ain't that fucking odd.

I scoff knowing exactly who left this message.

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