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we had arrived back in their secret lair, it was a bar which was particularly clean and well looked after

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we had arrived back in their secret lair, it was a bar which was particularly clean and well looked after. There was a few familar faces from the news that i had seen.

"well this is your new home, until we kill you of course" shigaraki says like he was trying to humour me, i kept a straight face the entire time, frightened to make any sudden movements with the man's hand still wrapped around my neck sort of choking me.

"can you let go of me now." i cough lightly, feeling his grasp getting tighter closing up my airways. tears begin to well-up in my eyes.

fuck why am i crying.. how can i be a good hero if i'm crying over this, I DONT EVEN WANT TO BE A HERO WHY AM I HERE.

"what's the magic word" he says mockingly.

i have to stand my ground, i'm not gonna be a cry baby about it.

"i don't fucking know just let me go i can hardly breath" i reply hoarsely as my heart beat started racing quicker.

"wrong answer" he slowly put down his index finger onto my neck my eyes widened. this is how i'm going to die fuck. but then quickly lifted his pinky.
"you should've seen your face" he chuckles letting go of me and pushing me too the floor making me hit it with a loud thud, stomping on my back harshly with his boot making me gasp, being winded from the impact.

"get up you fucking klutz" he says kicking the side of my waist before walking towards the bar and getting a drink. i stand up, my legs shaking, as I tried to regain my balance.

"escort her to the room" kurogiri nods and walks over to me and grabs my arm, dragging through a corridor and into a room, it looked like a torture chamber. there was a surgical bed in the middle and around it were all kinds of torture devices.

on the cabinet next to the window there was jars of blood with names written on the lids.

"go sit on the bed, tomura will come in soon" kurogiri says as he lets go of my arm and shuts the door behind me, locking it a moment after.

"fuck how can i get out of here" i look above the cabinet and see a window. "bingo" i quickly walk over and place my right hand on the window frosting it over making it extremely delicate.

i turn around and look for an object i can smash on it. A stool , it was quite small not heavy at all and was the perfect size to plumet  at the frozen window.

A bang on the door makes me stop in my tracks as it is slammed open. "The fuck do you think your doing little bitch" tomura goes over and grabs me by my hair and drags me back onto the surgical looking bed.

"So what are the hero's planning" he questions as he grabs the stool making sure to not use all of his fingers and sits infront of the bed, he was playing with a scalpel in his hand as he stared at me contently.

taken | TOMURA SHIGARAKIWhere stories live. Discover now