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It was time to put my plan in action

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It was time to put my plan in action.

Shigaraki had gone out to do some villain business and I was sitting in the bar bored, one of his little cronies were sitting in the corner watching over me. He looked like a dinosaur but I'm not one to judge.

I heard the door open and I run over to the side of the door, when he would walk through I'd jump out and scare him. As he walked through I jumped out "BOO" I yell, his eyes widened behind the hand on his face.

Like muscle memory, he grabs my hair and wraps his hand around my neck, living his pinky raised.

"Why the fuck did you do that" he scowls, his warm breath on my ear. I could tell he was angry. "I thought it would be funny" I answer snickering.

"Wrong answer you bitch" he shoves me forward and my face smashes onto the ground.

i lay on the floor my body looking lifeless, my breathing was subtle and my body was frozen. "(R/N) take her back to my room and shove her in the cage or whatever you wanna call it" i hear footsteps walking away. that must be shigaraki. "Boss i think she's dead" (R/N)  says looking down at me and seeing no sign of life.

yes my plan is working. "what do you mean you think she's dead" the footsteps come back in the direction they left at but they were more rough sounding like stomps.

"look at her she isn't fucking moving" (R/N) states. shigaraki kicks my side trying to see if i'd make any movement or noise but nothing came, i was trying my best to stay as silent as i could but the kick was rough. i still didn't budge.

"FUCK" shigaraki punches the nearest wall, surely leaving a dent. "this wasn't how it was meant to go shit" he is pacing around the room with his arms on his head looking at the floor.

"tomura i'll go get a black bag to put her in, we can deliver her body to all might as a warning" he starts to walk away. "no, i want to keep her, i wanted her to be alive.. I WANTED HER" he screams as he grabs a chair and throws it, yet it turns to dust before it could do any damage.

"Boss leave it too me, go cool off in your room I'll sort the body out" (R/N) says as shigaraki begins to walk back down the corridor.

Tomuras friend leaves the room to go get a body bag to put me in. This is my chance. I get up and make a run for it, I slam open the bar door and run out.

I hear shigaraki yell and the sound of someone screaming, the guy who was watching me was killed.

I run out and create an ice wall blocking anyone to go in and come back out, I run up the street as fast as I could trying to make my way back to my school.

I start breathing heavier but I continue running. There it is the school. the gates were open and I ran through.

I saw denki and kirishima walking up the path into school and I run up to them. I grab denkis shoulder and pull him round to face me.

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