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"I'm so glad I made it" my breathing is heavy as I bend over slightly trying to catch my breath

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"I'm so glad I made it" my breathing is heavy as I bend over slightly trying to catch my breath. "I did all of the work" bakugo snarls at me and the green haired boy.

"I CARRIED US? I literally froze all might so we could run." I stand back up straight raising my eyebrows at the boy. "I STILL DID ALL OF THE WORK YOU NERD" he shouts back at me. "Whatever you shitty boy" I roll my eyes at the blonde boy.

"DONT ROLL YOUR EYES AT ME" he yells again furious as he crosses his arms. Deku looks at me and smiles awkwardly scratching his neck slightly "you and kachan are so similar" he laughs quietly to himself.

I raise my eyebrow "absolutely NOT", bakugo looks like he's seen a ghost. "we are not similar at all" he try's to come across has calm but it was obvious he was ready to blow

"whatever you say" i furrow my eyebrows at the boy who looks nervous . Bakugo doesn't say nothing again surprisingly, normally he is a loud mouth and wouldn't stop until deku looked frightened.

a few days later

I walk into 7/11, going to get some food supplies to make dinner for tonight as aizawa was staying out late
tonight on hero duties, i was going to make noodles with eggs, rice cakes and chicken as it was one of the easiest things and i wasn't too helpful in the kitchen.

i walk down the isle containing the noodles and i scan the shelves for the flavour i liked. I noticed someone walking up the isle. I look at them out of the corner of my eye and notice the familar blonde spiked hair.

I turn around to face the person "bakugo?" i question as i noticed 'his' attire, a pencil skirt, tank top and a cardigan.

The person turns around and i immediately get embarrassed. "ah i'm sorry i thought you was my classmate" i bow my head as my face was getting red.

"oh honey don't worry about it, it's fine" she laughs it off, i look up at her face and notice some familiar features ranging on her face. her mouth  opens slightly making and o shape. "ohh you must be a friend of my sons, katsuki." she adds making me raise my eyebrows. "your his mum..?" I question utterly shocked at how young she looked. she laughs and smiles "mm yeah i'm the mum to that brat, my name is mitsuki". I smile at her "oh I'm (Y/N)!" she looks down at my cart which only had the rice cakes that i wanted for my meal.

"Oh honey would you like to have dinner at our house, I'm sure katsuki would love to have a friend over!" She exclaims as her smile deepens, I get nervous "oh yeah if that's fine will your family then I'd love too" I scratch my neck awkwardly.

"Perfect! Leave your basket at the cash
Register when I pay for mine." We both walk into the que, silence lingering between us as each step we took got us closer to paying, it felt like hours but it was actually about 10 minutes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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