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The teens descended the stairs into the subway station and settled onto the benches, awaiting for the trains arrival.

Ned engaged Lily in a conversation, so she couldn't question her friend who sat in silence. Not that she could anyways with the boys in earshot.

Peter, noticing the girls quiet demeanor, gently tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey, Alejandra, are you sure you're okay?" He asked, voice soft with concern.

"Yeah, sorry." She replied, giving him her best smile. "Just not always a talkative person, you know? What's up?"

"Uh, well I wanted to ask you something. But, if you don't feel like talking, it's okay I'll-

"If you're gonna ask me if I want to help you guys build the Star ship thing, my answer is yes." Alejandra says interrupting Peter's rambling, before clarifying. "I heard you and Ned in the mall."

"Oh haha!" Peter laughed nervously. "Yeah, well that was one question I had. But, um, I also wanted to know if you wanted to go and-

Before he could finish his sentence, loud screams pierced through the air, drawing the attention of everyone around them. A sense of urgency filled the atmosphere as a crowd quickly formed from the station up to the stairs that led to the streets of New York.

Above them, the ground trembled slightly, amplifying the chaos as people scrambled to find stability.

"What's going on?" Ned asked worried, his voice barely audible over the chaos.

"It's the Avengers!" Someone then yelled loudly.

"That means something serious is happening!" Peter exclaimed.

Lily and Alejandra locked eyes.

"Stay here with them." Alejandra whispered to Lily before plunging into the crowd, pushing past people.

"Ally, wait!" She heard Lily shout but the girl kept going.

Alejandra raced up the stairs and looked at the scene unfolding before her. The Avengers were locked in a battle against someone she hasn't seen before.

Was this supposed to happen?

There was no time to think. She had to help, right?

Alejandra really didn't want her cover blown right now, but innocent civilians were in danger. Without a second thought, she took a deep breath and ran to the scene.

Upon seeing the villain closer, she noted the high-tech suit the man was wearing. He also looked big, like he could really pack a punch.

'Better keep my distance.' Alejandra thought.

But, she kept going until she was right next to Hawkeye himself who was there from a distance shooting explosive arrows.

"Hello." She greeted, trying to remain composed amidst the chaos.

Clint looked at her incredulously. "Kid, you need to leave!"

Thanks to her enhanced hearing, Alejandra could discern snippets of the Avengers conversations. Iron Man was yelling about hacking the suit, and Alejandra knew she had to buy him time.

"Cap, there's a kid here!" Clint shouted into the comms.

"Get them out!" Alejandra heard Steve's command before he was consumed by the battle against the escaped prisoners who were being mind controlled.

"Kid, let's go!" Clint attempted to grab her arm.

"In a minute!" Alejandra yelled, slipping past him and ran until she was a couple feet away from the villain.

"Kid!" Barton's voice trailed after her, filled with concern and urgency.

She had to act quickly before the villain became aware of her presence. She decided on an approach she rarely used. Drawing from the darkness within her own shadow, she watched surprised as it coalesced around her, shaping into tendrils that snaked around the man.

It wasn't exactly what she had in mind, normally it would just be darkness but sometimes it felt like her powers knew what she needed. The tendrils enveloped him, and she clenched her fists, manipulating it to constrict his body tightly.

Gritting her teeth, she felt the strain of using so much of her energy, pushing her self to limits she hasn't done before. She really needed to practice more. Lost in her focus on maintaining the grip, Alejandra failed to notice Iron Man's successful disruption of the man's suit, causing the villains helmet to come loose.

Alejandra was so worried something would happen to one of the Avengers that fear took over and suddenly she couldn't control her powers again. Darkness swirled around the man, and the next thing she knew, the man's head had exploded.

A startled gasp left Alejandra's lips upon realization. The darkness retreated back to her, but her gaze stayed straight ahead at the body that fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Oh no.

Despite the continued clamor from people running away, those nearest, including the Avengers, became dead silent.


Alejandra's eyes widened as she caught sight of Captain America just a few feet away. Her breath hitched, and she instinctively took a few steps back, observing as some of them prepared to engage if she was to do something.

Something dangerous.

Was she?

No. She was just trying to help. She wouldn't hurt the Avengers. But, they didn't seem so sure.

"Look at me kid, it's okay." Steve's voice was reassuring, but Alejandra sensed the wariness as he approached slowly, as if she were a wild animal.

Without a word, she took off.


Alejandra ran through the streets until she reached the subway where she had left her friends. Spotting them emerging from the station, panic etched into their faces as they searched for her, she ran to them.

Tears welled in her eyes as she looked at Lily. "We have to go!"

"What happened?!" Peter and Ned exclaimed in unison.

"Now!" Alejandra grabbed Lily's hand and started running, the urgency in her voice leaving no room for questions as she hurriedly followed.

Her heart raced as they rounded a corner, the sound of footsteps echoing behind her. Alejandra's pulse quickened as she glanced up, spotting Sam Wilson and Tony Stark soaring through the air, rapidly closing the distance.

But then, she felt a strange pull, an inexplicable sensation drawing her towards something. Without hesitation, she tugged Lily's hand and followed the feeling, guiding them into an alleyway where shadows lingered in a corner shielded from the suns rays.

Was that their ticket out of here?

"Don't let go!" Alejandra yelled to her friend, maintaining a tight grip on her hand as they dashed towards the dimmed corner.

Harnessing her powers, shadows danced around them, quickly wrapping them in an embrace. In the blink of an eye, the two girls vanished from sight, leaving nothing but bewildered and worried heroes in its place.

And unbeknownst to all of them, a figure who watched the scene unfold smirked. His boss would like this one.

A/N: I know subways probably don't have benches (I've never been), but let's just pretend. Also, the villain was The Controller in case you wanted to know. I don't know anything about the Marvel comics, but I just used what I read and made a weaker version of him.

𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 (𝐌𝐂𝐔 𝐎𝐂)Where stories live. Discover now