Chapter 3

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— I hope you know why are you here, soldat.

The colonel spoke cold and serious, being a tall man and with a cold aura around him, as he makes everyone scared as hell. He looked at Danny, scanning everything from her, as she stared in her eyes. She didn't look nervous,but for sure her heart was beating fast.

Danny sighs and moves in her seat, crossing her arms and looking serious.

— I know well, but first, it wasn't my fault.

— I know it wasn't your fault, but you should control your anger because you almost killed him. It's just your first day here and your already done pretty bad things. I know you come from a rough past and you just feel anger, that's why we choosed you as our secret assassin. No one should know and you should remain silent.

— I know this thing but you can't say to me to control myself or I don't know.. It's hard.

— I know, but I just suggest you. You don't want more problems, don't you?

He spoke deep and looking at her, looking for some emotions. Danny looked at him, breathing deep and looking down.

— Yeah... Yes sir.

Danny spoke, thinking.

— Why someone would choose me..

Danny thinks, breathing deep and sits, walking away. The colonel looked at her and the only thought in his mind was "She is a problem".

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