Chapter Six

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Angel just left to go to the studio. Now was my chance,"(n/n) transform!" I said, before running out of the hotel. I'm going to be late, I really want to see at least Angel's show before I'm on. So, I ran to the studio IN HEELS. Somehow, I managed to get there early. Angel had not arrived yet.

I walked into the studio. As I stood by the entrance. Val walked over to me, "It's nice to see you (n/n). You're early you will have time to meet Angel, if he isn't late again", Val said mumbling the last part.

Angel walked in the studio a moment later,"I'm here mister Valentino."

"Angel darling, YOU WERE ALMOST LATE! You know what happens when you're late!" Val snarled as pink smoke started to surround him, even then trying not to raise his voice around his new employee. He didn't want to scare his new employee away so soon

"Anyways, Angel, I wanted you to meet our newest employee. This is (n/n)," Val said motioning towards me.

I tried to make my voice a bit more on the sassy/flirty side, "Hello, Angel~"

"Hello, (n/n) it's nice to meet you," Angel said.

"You're on in five Angel, you two can chat more after your shows," Val said and clapped before walking away. Angel left and walked to the backstage area. I went to my reserved seat at the front of the crowd.

A moment later the applause started, as Angel walked out on stage and took his place at the pole. When his song began, Angel started singing, "Don't call me Angel - by Ariana Grande." Angel was always so good at pole dancing and singing, I could not take my eyes off of him. He's hot, really hot.

Sometime later Angel's show was over, it was time for mine. On my way backstage, Angel was walking back down. "Good show, Angiel~",I said, blowing a kiss in Angel's direction. "Thanks babe, and good luck," Angel responded, blowing a kiss in my direction.

Once I walked on stage and took my place by the pole my song began.

I began to dance, spinning around the pole slowly. Then when the beat dropped I jumped on the pole and spun around quickly a few times. The singing in the song stopped for an instrumental. I climbed up on the pole, still spinning around. I then flipped upside down and looked at the crowd. The lyrics started again and I continued singing. I spun around the pole until I reached the ground. I then finished my dance with a pose.

The crowd rang with applause. "Thank you, dolls!" I waved and blew kisses toward the crowd.

I walked backstage again. I was heading back down to the audience to watch the rest of the shows, when Angel walked up to me. "Nice moves, sugar!" Angel said. "Thanks Angel."

I made it back to the hotel before Angel. I was sitting in the lobby when Angel walked in. "Ya know, ya should come ta one of my shows babe," Angel sighed.

"You know I really don't go to those kinds of things Angel."

"Maybe someday?" Angel said, dropping that conversation.

"Oh, we had someone new at the studio today," Angel continued.

"Who was it?" I ask amused.

"Someone that calls themself (n/n). They are really good!", Angel explained.

"They sound interesting," I responded

"They looked so hot on the pole, oh my God!" Angel sighed.

I tried to keep myself from blushing. "Wow, they really do sound interesting. Maybe I'll think about going sometime." 

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