Chapter One: Nobody's Home

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I woke up to only be able to see the morning sunlight shining down on me. The heat felt peaceful on my skin. I closed my eyes again to focus on the one thing helping my aching body to feel comforted again. My eyes flashed back open quickly as I realized something wasn't right. I looked up again and realized I was in a pit. Maybe eight feet, maybe six. It didn't matter right then. All that I was focusing on was that I was trapped and there was pain running through every muscle and every bone in my body. It hurt too much to move even an inch as I lay back on the ground.

My vision was blurred as I took a deep breath and closed my exhausted eyes. The pain was eating me away and I had no memory. I racked my brain for something, anything. Nothing. Not even my own name.

I realized how cold I was and noticed how there was not a shred of clothing on my body.

Was this how I was going to die? Was this going to be my ending? Naked in some hole in the ground? I didn't know how my last days were spent or even what happened to me. Was I a good person? Did I deserve to die? I honestly couldn't tell you. There was a pain in my stomach as I realized I might never get out and find out my past. I opened my eyes again but now it was night time. I could just make out the walls closest to me. The stars were bright but not bright enough.

More worried thoughts slipped through my mind. Where was I? What day was it? How long had I been in here? How long had I even been alive? How was I going to get out? That one ate at me the most. I couldn't just lay there and never be found. I had to fight through the pain. I had to get someone to help me. I sat up, my head beginning to spin as I dug my nails into the dirt walls around me. I held myself up as I began to move my leg back to stand when an ear piercing scream fills my ears and possibly ruining my ear drums. That's fine, I don't like to hear anyway...

My eyes watered in pain as I realized it had come from me. My leg must have been broken when whatever happened to me, happened. My ears were ringing and I began to sway back and forth despite my hands being deep in the dirt. To my joy, there was a drop of water. I was dehydrated and starving. There was blood rushing out of my wounds and I hoped it would help to clean them off. My face ached the most right after my leg anyway. I opened my mouth slightly as the torrential downpour began and my ears stopped ringing. That's when I heard a scared voice coming from somewhere above me.

"'Ello? Is someone there?" The deep voice was accented and sounded a tad bit familiar. I hoped with all of my might it would bring back some of my memory, maybe even a name.

"'Ello," the voice called out again and I opened up my mouth to reply, but I quickly realized no sound would come out. My throat was too dry and scratched up. I let out a soft whimper. Nobody would be able to hear me, I knew. Hell, I could barely even hear myself.

"Oi! I think I heard something from over there," another voice called with a different accent. The tears started pouring down my cheeks. They were so close, but they weren't ever going to be able to find me. My breathing was hard enough without having to gasp for air in between the sobs. This was really it. My chance to be saved, but no one could hear me.

Suddenly, there's the sound of breaking glass. The light that I had seen before was gone and my breath hitched in my throat again.

"Damn it! I was just here, minding me own business, when suddenly, I'm in a shroud of darkness. Worst day of me life. God, you're an idiot, Louis," the first voice exclaimed. I closed my eyes, shaking all over. I was in so much pain and these two barely even noticed I was here. They had to though. I had to say something. I opened my mouth willing myself to speak, to say anything.

My voice continued to fail me.

There was movement from above. I heard the voice call out again to someone, "Lou, hand me your phone!"

"Niall! This isn't the best time to be ordering a pizza," the second voice joked. I closed my eyes again. There was no use. They wouldn't care about someone half dead right now.

"Shut up and throw it over here! I think I hear something." The voice is growing closer.

"As you wish." My hope is causing my heart to pound abnormally fast. The blood loss is getting to me, my vision is growing fuzzy but I don't care. I have to hold on so they can see I'm not-.

Something cold and slick hits my leg and I moan. The pain overwhelms me yet again and I take deep breaths, darkness beginning to surround me. I close my eyes, beginning to give up when suddenly the voices are closer.

"You moron! You lost my damn phone in a freaking grave! I'm not getting it! Especially in this freaking storm!"

"Louis, stop whining. It isn't a big deal. Management can get you a new one." NO! I want to scream that out as loud as possible. They have to get me out of here, they have to! I close my eyes and wet my lips, before opening my mouth and letting out a high pitched shriek. It takes up every ounce of my energy that I have left. Soon, I'm fading into the blackness, but not before a heavy body lands on top of me.



"Lou, hand me your phone," I say, looking around the darkened cemetery. The lamp had busted as my best friend and band mate, Louis Tomlinson threw a pebble, trying to hit a bird. Sometimes he was a complete idiot. I looked over at Louis who just smirked at me. "What?"

"Niall! This isn't the best time to be ordering a pizza," Louis joked. I rolled my eyes and glanced around the darkeness.

"Shut up and throw it over here! I think I hear something!"

"As you wish," Louis had a mischievous glint in his eye as he tossed the phone in his hand. His aim was terrible as it barely missed hitting me straight in the face. I glanced back at the gaping hole behind me. I heard a small moan that was so faint I thought I was hearing things. I shook it off and crouched next to it, squinting to make out anything in the darkness and rain.

"You moron! You lost my damn phone in a freaking grave! I'm not getting it! Especially in this freaking storm!" I glared at Louis as he stood behind me arms crossed over his chest.

"Louis, stop whining," I stood up and spun around to glare right back at him, unaware of how close I was to the ledge. "It isn't a big deal. Management can get you another one!" I tried to continue on about how, if he wouldn't have dropped my phone in his drink earlier we wouldn't have been in the mess in the first place, when out of nowhere I heard one of the loudest shrieks I'd ever heard in my life from behind me. I jumped and slipped back in the mud, falling onto something. There was barely any light but I could just make out a figure underneath me as I held myself up over it.

"Mate, are you alright down there," I heard Louis calling from above me. I couldn't answer for I was too mesmerized by what I was seeing below me as the moon finally peaked out from the clouds for the first time that night. She was covered in bruises. Her hair was coated in blood making it impossible to tell her hair color. Her eyes were closed making me believe she was dead at first. I slowly listened and heard her faint, ragged breathing. She was alive but only barely holding on. I had to save her. I noticed how pale she looked and realized she was naked.

"Lou, get the car!" I heard Louis starting to complain and looked back at him. My voice was harsh when I yelled again. "Now, Louis and stop being a fucking baby!"

I saw his eyes widen in shock as he hurried up and ran back the way we had come. I really hoped he would get back quickly. I looked back down at the girl as I pulled myself off of her. She was shivering in her sleep and I knew she was most likely surrounded in a pool of her own blood. She looked so helpless and I knew I had to save her, knowing that I wouldn't be able to leave her ever.

I quickly took my jumper off and picked her up, slipping one of my favorite jumpers over her head. I scooped her up into my arms and sat her down on the ground above. Before crawling out, I searched quickly on the ground too find Louis' phone inches away from where her legs were. I grabbed it and heaved myself out as Louis pulled up and I carried her limp body to the car, getting in the backseat and beginning my journey of saving an innocent girl's life.

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