Chapter Eleven: Re-Offender

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I had been walking for hours, clutching my side and limping down the street. I had received so many strange looks from people. It wasn't my fault that I was thrown out before I had a chance to react.

The tears had dried up long before though. I hadn't needed to cry. I was going to find someone to help me albeit I knew I should've gone straight to the boys. They would've known what to do.

I just didn't want to see Niall again. I didn't want to fall for those blue eyes all over again. I knew the hatred for him was only me being stubborn. All night my mind had been searching for reasons why he lied and I had found many that unsettled me and others that were actually rather sweet. But I stuck with the unsettling ones, afraid that if I didn't I would be even more broken that I would never see him again.

I came to a stop in front of the police station. I had to do this, to find out who I really was. No matter what people thought. I had come to this decision after wondering around aimlessly for hours at a time. I remembered the cold looks I was receiving and knew there would be more as I pushed the door open.

But I was only met with sympathetic ones.

I saw one of the officers and walked over to him. "Excuse me, sir? I was talking to-."

"I'm sorry, ma'am." He cut me off. "We are in the middle of a hectic time. if you will just sit down, we'll speak to you in a bit."

I nodded, slowly, devastation taking over. They didn't have enough time for me. Obviously, a lot of people, I thought as I turned to see a waiting room full of people. There were only a few spots still open. I sat down in an empty corner, drumming my fingers against the cool wooden table. My eyes scanned the room before landing on a digital clock with large green numbers staring back at me. Three thirty-three? It had only been about seven when I left. I was really out of it though. I hadn't the slightest clue on how to get back to the apartment.

Really I had no clue where I was. I had just been in luck to pass the station. It was more hectic than I imagined. Officer after officer ran around, most heading out of the door. Soon after they exited I would hear the familiar sound of a police car's siren echoing around the brick building. The door chimed and soon more and moee people had come in, cramming into the left over seats.

It was then that I closed my eyes, falling asleep almost instantly.


I woke up to the sound of the door chiming again. I realized the room had less people as most were gone, giving me enough room to stretch my legs. I did so, letting a small yawn escape my mouth before further examining the people around me.

There was an older woman with a few bruises on her, another was a man muttering to himself. I instantly noticed the small black object with the red light flashing. A probation checkup. I sighed before my eyes landed on a red eyed kid probably around my age. Soon his eyes were hidden in his hands as a feeah wave of grief rolled over him. I noticed a military green messenger bag at his feet and smiled slightly at how familiar it was.

"Next." A shrill voice rang around the room. I hopped up quickly, rushing to the counter.The lady behind it was middle aged, with greying hair and a thin line for a smile. A disapproving thin line.

"I need to soeak to Officer Jones. Now!" She was slightly taken aback by my sharp tone.

"I'm sorry, miss but Jones is on patrol right now. If you could come back in an hour or so I'm sure he'll be around."

"Where the hell do you expect me to go? I thought I was Nina, a fucking British model, then suddenly I find out that's exactly who I'm not. I don't have a clue who I am!"

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