Chapter Thirteen: The A Team

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The next morning I woke up with that overwhelming sense of nasea again, yet I chose to ignore it. Nothing had happened yet so I just figured it was nothing. Coughing came from my mouth and I attempted to cover it with the blankets, under which my freezing body shook. I sat up a bit, coughing coming from my mouth again.

Soon, I jumped up and walked across the barren room slowly, gripping my stomach. It was inevitable, the pain I was feeling. My body was covered in sweat and I was freezing. I knew right away what was wrong. I had gotten a fever from the rain. I should've stayed in bed but it didn't matter to me. I just wanted to apologize to Niall. If I saw him.

"Amber?" I glanced at Liam as I walked into the kitchen. He was leaning against the counter with a coffee cup in hand. I smiled slightky and sat down, resting my head on my arms. "What are you doing up this early? Are you ill?"

"I think." I closed my eyes and drummed my fingers against the table, taking in deep breaths. I could tell he was watching me and looked up. "Where is eveyone?"

"Sleeping, I imagine. It's seven in the morning, you know?" I didn't know, yet I nodded, remembering Niall and his guitar coming from next door the night before. He was good at it and in all, just a wonderful guy. I felt bad, sick even. Well, I already did but I felt worse thinking of how much he had gone through lately. All because of me. "You should get some more sleep. Lay down and I'll get you something to eat."

"Thanks, but I think I'll just stay out here, talk to you if you if you don't mind." I gave him a smile and sat back as he took the seat next to me.

"Okay, well there's something that's been bugging me lately."

"And that is?

"Do you honestly fancy Niall?" My eyes had been slowly closing but as soon as he said that they snapped open again. I stared at him in shock.

"Why would you say that?" He mouth to reply but I ended up cutting him off with a new coughing fit. He kept silent rubbing my back a bit as I finished up.

"It's just he's a good guy, a great guy even and I think he deserves to be happy. And I can tell you do that to him. He's never been happier." I looked away, not wanting to meet his eyes.

"I think you're right. I should get some sleep." I pushed back from the table and stood, my eyes not even reaching him. I slowly made my way to the room again and as I began to open the door, a quiet noise came from the room next door. The strumming of a guitar. That was how I realized Niall was still up. I sighed, before turning the knob completely and closingthe door behind me.


I woke up to the sound of knocking on the door. It felt like minutes since I fell asleep, yet I knew it was longer. I groaned standing up but then falling, my legs so weak they weren't able to support me. I had a replay from last night, me falling and Eleanor and Louis just watching as Liam helped. The nausea was worse than ever and then suddenly, I was there lying on the ground so weak, a pool of vomit next to me.

It wasn't until I heard the pounding, that I realized someone was still there trying to get in. "Amber!"

It was Eleanor, her voice full of panic. I couldn't move to answer it. in fact, I couldn't move at all, pain shootong through my body at every centimeter of movement. The door shot open and suddenly, I felt arms wrap around me, Eleanor's tears landing on my head as I stared up at her. Her eyes were full of concern as she began screaming, "Louis!" I didn't know what was so bad. She looked so scared and I felt bad. I was doing this to her. Again.

"El, what's wr-." Louis stopped midsentence, apparently in the doorway."Liam, call an ambulance!"

I was confused. I threw up because I was sick. Why did they need an ambulance?

"What's going on?" I could barely see Liam walk up out of the corner of my eye. Along with the other boys. I could see Niall, trying to look in past the two boys. Did he even know I was here? He looked extremely tired, eyes carrying dark bags, and I doubted he fell asleep the night before. Louis crouched down next to El and pulled her into a hug, tears coming from his own eyes.

"Niall, you should go in the other room. You shouldn't see her like this." He looked at Liam confused.

"See who?"

"Just go. The ambulance will be here soon." My eyes were watering, wanting to know more than anything why they were makin a big deal out of this. Me, throwing up wasn't a big deal. I was already sick.

"E-El, what's g-going on?" My voice was shaking as I attempted to sit up, but I couldn't for my head was spinning and when I let myself fall back down, I could see what was wrong. The first thing I noticed was the blood. It was mixed in with the vomit, yet it was there, staring back at me as if to tell me how weak I was. I rolled over onto my side and closed my eyes, breath evening and then everything was black, the only thing I had to see being Niall's sick, shock filled face.


At that moment, the familiar beeping of a machine reaching my ears and bringing back the days in the hospital, I absolutely hated myself. Sometimes I could be such an arse. If I would've just known, realized how much of an idiot I was, she wouldn't have gotten sick and stuck in the rain. We wouldn't have been right back where we started.

She still looked beautiful, even more than Nina had. Honestly, I had known that something was up but I didn't want to confront her. Now I realized how stupid that had been. I should've just done it, stuck with the feeling in my gut.

I watched as grey eyes met mine, drowsy and unsure what was happening.

"Hey, love," I whispered quietly, trying to keep my voice steady. It was no use. I could feel tears reaching my eyes and automatically felt embarrassed. I had no reason to cry. I'd only known her for a week. Although it was my fault she was here. If I hadn't sent her away.

"W-What happened?"

Her eyes filled with tears and I just knew somehow that she was thinking of that first week as well. I sighed, running my hand through her hair. She looked so beautiful, even if she was a mess in a pile of emotions. "I don't know yet. The doctor sh-." I was cut off by the door swinging open and the guy with a long white lab coat walked in. Doctor O'Harris. He smiled slightly before lifting a few papers from the top of the chart and scanning through it.

"Okay, Amber. We have to ask a few questions from you." She nodded. "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"No." She quickly shouted before her face flushed. "I'm scared.." She added in a smaller voice. I grabbed her hand in mine, feeling the warmth climbing from up my arm like a bolt of electricity. I smiled down at her.

"Okay. First off both heartbeats are stable-."

"Both heartbeats?" I quickly cut him off.

"Yes, Amber's and the baby's. " My eyes grew wide along with Amber's whose eyes darted to her stomach.

"I-I'm pregnant?" Her voice was shaky and quiet.

"Yes. For at least two months. You didn't know?"

She shook her head. "I don't know much of anything anymore." It was then that I wanted to just hold her in my arms and hug her until the saddness and tears were all gone.

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